MovieChat Forums > UFO Hunters (2008) Discussion > On the Human/Hybrid theory by Bill...

On the Human/Hybrid theory by Bill...

I am one of the two witnesses that participated in the episode about Alien Contact that aired on April 2. I value all of the opinions that I have read not only on this board but others all across the net.
It just pains me to see so many people bashing Mr. Birnes, especially about the hybrid comment. You must understand that this theory was brought about by things that I TOLD HIM, not the other way around. A lot was left out of the show because of time constraints-- it's only an hour.
But I thank you all for tuning in and allowing myself and others to tell their incredible stories.
If anyone would like more information or to talk to me personally you can contact me at


Hello Terrell. It did seem that he jumped to that conclusion to fast, even if you did give him more information that we didn't see. The reason being because that is not how scientific study is suppose to be done. What is suppose to be done is a serious investigation involving experiments, control subjects and more to make that conclusion.

See, you may very well be a hybrid, but if you have no proof of any kind then unfortunately it is just talk. But let this be known, the truth always reveals itself, even if it would be a thousand years from now, or tomorrow. Either way humans will one day find out, so long as we keep trying to investigate and analyze. So I guess it just requires patience on our part :)

On a side note though, do you still believe you are being visited by these aliens and/or craft anymore? Or no? If so, you might want to consider putting cameras up everywhere that you can think of on the outside and inside of your house, and keeping a high quality one on you at all times so you can try to capture something. Not sure if that is feasible for you or not, but I have always wondered why people who think they are regularly being visited don't do this more often.

"Get busy living, or get busy dieing."


Va wulf:

If in fact you really are Terrell, then let me ask you . . . what do YOU really think? What sort of reasons would you have for believing you might be a hybrid being of humans and some alien race? It seems an easy enough question to answer to me. Have some blood drawn. Does your DNA appear to be human or is there some sort of exceptional anomaly or mutation?

I think that mcottier's idea is good regarding a camera. Keep one on you at all times and when you are visited next, get us some GOOD images. Give us something that we can finally believe in.


I agree with both of you 100% on all of your points. I have been told by numerous people to keep a camera on me always. I will get that shot that everyone is waiting for possibly. But, I'm not concerned with making believers out of anyone. My main focus is to help those who have experienced the things that I have.

And it seems that this "blood anomaly" has opened some new doors for people like myself. If we were to draw blood from multiple contactees/abductees, and we all displayed the same characteristics, that would be something solid.

From what the doctor told me off camera, I had some sort of virus introduced to my body. From where, from whom, and when is the question that we don't know. The hight CK levels are the result of that virus that is either unseen, or just gone. And as you may know, the easiest way to change the DNA of someone is to bring about a virus. Maybe my DNA has already been studied without my knowledge, or maybe we could do that on some other platform.


Let me ask you this. . .

At this point, are you 100% convinced that you are being visited by ETs? And if so, do you believe that are from other planets within our solar system or are they extradimensional?


From my own experiences there are two different groups. I don't know where they originate. And from sources that I trust, it is said there are multiple groups operating on our planet and within other planets of our solar system.

The majority of the real UFOs seen come from the major wateways of the Earth. Some of those hot spots being Lake Eerie, Artic Ocean, and the Monteray Bay just to name a couple.

I hope that you get a chance to look into a documentary called the "Disclosure Project." It can be seen on youtube. There are over 400 former military and government officials from 6 different countries discussing confidential UFO encounters.

So a short answer for a very long explaination would be: ETs are from all around us; time, dimensions, other galaxies, etc.


Ah, I said solar system, but what I really meant was universe. Anyway. . .

I will try to check out the Disclosure Project documentary. Is this a Stephen Greer thing? I am familiar with him. I have heard him interviewed on Coast to Coast AM. (Do you listen to it?)

If ETs are here, what do you think they want? And why don't they just reveal themselves to the public?


Yeah The Disclosure Project is the brainchild of Dr. Greer. It's kind of long, but well worth it. One of the last witnesses actually predicted a major attack on the country. Ironically this was taped 5 months before 9/11.

I honestly believe that there will be a global sighting within the next year or two. Maybe as soon as a couple of months. This has been echoed not only with some UFO contactees/abductees but with some religious organizations as well. If you saw the episode last week about the Stephenville, TX sightings, these crafts are getting closer and LARGER than ever before. Literally, "motherships" are appearing across the Earth.

I have a theory of why some of them are here; but I don't want to alarm anyone. My goal is to just help those in my shoes and help educate others who are interested in thinking outside of the box.


The Disclosure Project is what sealed the deal for me in truly believing that UFO's and aliens exist, and are visiting this planet. It is so amazing that so many experts can come forward and tell everyone what they know and saw, and people still don't make a fuss about it or believe it.

But yeah, you also say you don't want to alarm anybody about the knowledge you have. Is it because it might involve the end of the world? I truly believe that the end of the world and aliens somehow tie into each other. Trust me, I dont want this to happen, but one thing I have noticed is that all throughout time people have been saying the world is going to end. With that happening it is almost inevitable that one day the world will end, either by our own will or another.

But then again it is hard to imagine that such an enlightened species would want to pick on us, especially since there are so many other empty planets in the universe that they could use!

I also think that they tie into religion to, not just our current ones but most of them throughout history. I mean think about it, in just about every religion god comes from the sky. It seems pretty plausible that if the people didn't have the knowledge we do today, they could easily mistake them for gods. But this is a whole other subject I could go on forever about :)

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck Terrell, and maybe we will find out the answer to all of this in our lifetime.

"Get busy living, or get busy dieing."


Well, a global sighting within the next couple of years would be great. The turth though is that people have been expecting the truth to be known "within a year or two" for so long now. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes another 500 years . . . that is, if in fact there is a TRUTH to be known at all.

BUT I do hope that you're right . . . and I hope that whatever we find is benevolent in nature.



Thank you so much! If I could offer some advice on sighting a craft: most of my sightings appear at night, the hotspot months are March and October, and try to find a secluded area and concentrate mentally. The mind is like an antenna and you may catch their attention. Flashing a maglite wouldn't hurt either. Good luck.


My beau and I also really enjoyed the contact episode. We found the similarity of your and the other gentleman's experiences--from the appearance and configuration of the craft to the blood anomaly--quite fascinating. Do the two of you keep in regular contact?

It's great to hear that you are aware and making use of the psychic aspect of UFO contact. This is an area many people do not even consider, either out of erroneous preconceptions or ignorance. Those who call themselves sceptical and lean towards the well-worn assertions of debunkdom might do well to consider the influence the mind has had on experiments done at the quantum level; obviously there are energies in existence not yet adequately studied--let alone understood--by contemporary scientists.

Regarding the hybrid theory that so many here seem to find outrageous: the idea that all humans are hybrids seems pretty plausible to me! I don't agree with everything Zechariah Sitchin and other authors have said on the subject, but who knows?

And thank you so very much for defending Mr Birnes! He's been involved in ufology for a very long time and, in my opinion, the more one reads and researches, the more one A) realises how little we as humans know about reality and B) is willing to consider the unusual. He's open minded, not a dupe who buys everything that comes his way.

Cheers, Mr Copeland! I'm on my way to your myspace page.

All the best to you and yours,



Thank you so much for the kind words. Yes me and Michael keep in touch; he's a great man with a beautiful spirit. I truly appreciate your recognition to the spiritual aspect of this subject. That is probably the most important thing for us to try to interpret.


Hi Terrell. On another note of advice of caring a camera with you. It would be interesting if you could set up a tripod with a videocamera to tape your state of paralaysis. Of course I know they must not occur all the time and battery-life would be a big issue too. But it would be interesting if you came up with something. Good luck, whether it is aliens or not something weird is definately happening in the skies.

"I am not the King. Jesus Christ is the King. I'm just an entertainer." -Elvis Presley


That's a great idea. Ironically, I was condsidering that very thing today-- setting up a camera to record my sleep. I had an experience this morning. I won't really speculate what happened, it's just a bizarre incident. Thanks.
