
OK so my character moved in his romantic interest and their son into his house, both came over from France, I was just wondering how do I make them girlfriend and boyfriend, no option for that seems to be coming up, thanks


You have to keep flirting, amorous hugging, kissing etc until the two sims find each other 'irresistible'. Then the option should be there, under the romantic menu.

@_@ Lufflebunny - Faithfully Rocking Socks Since 1991 @_@


ok this game is really getting weird...
my character's son suddenly has 2 kids exactly the same, with exactly the same name etc.
he also has a daughter with another sim randomly when he never even had whoo hoo with her
what is going on??????


If you've got story progression on, sims you aren't playing (like in different households) can get married, have babies, name said babies etc when you're not looking. I think you can turn story progression off, but then the sims just age, nothing happens to them, if that makes sense.

@_@ Lufflebunny - Faithfully Rocking Socks Since 1991 @_@
