MovieChat Forums > The Sims 3 (2009) Discussion > So I bought the game, here's my two cent...

So I bought the game, here's my two cents

I never thought they would pull it off. From being a rumour to a full-fledged 3rd generation game. I must admit I'm glad I waited two years to buy it so all the updates, fixes could be administered and I can play without spending hours tweeking just to get it run smoothly.

Now, what I like about TS3: more realistic. In the S2 with each EP we got a new character (aliens came with the core, vampires with nightlife, plant sims with seasons, etc.) I never played much with these nor did I try to get my sims turned into these creatures. We now have laundry mats in which sims can also had washers and dryers at home. Brilliant. Another feature I've been begging for on TS2 BBS was the ability for sims to visit their neighbors which is what we got as well. Going to work with your sims was a big demand as well, so I'm happy we have this option, but also too, sims aren't just condoned to finding jobs by newspapers & PC...they can actually go to businesses and 'apply' for jobs.

Let's see another great feature: bikes! Sims can now really be eco-conscience and take the bike to work and around town or just run to that favorite venue.

Now on the EP's. With EA's track record, I'm expecting a similar release sequence like in the previous games; a well-known one, followed by an all new adventure. In TS2 we got University, Open for Business, Seasons, Apartments & Free Time. Bon Voyage, Nightlife, and some of the stuff packs I feel were based on Vacation, Hot Date, House Party & Living Large from the 1st Sims. With TS3 so far we've gotten World Adventures (Vacation, bon Voyage); the kick about WA are the puzzles, hints they have to figure out to find the treasure. This reminds me very well of the Lara Crost Tomb Raider franchise which is what I also play. It seems that EA took the meaning of passports and called them 'Visas' in the game in which Sims gotta earn these in order to travel. Neat little twist. Late Night (Nightlife, Hot Date) and everyones favorite Pets (same name for all, except TS1 which was called Unleashed) only with S3 Pets I'm seeing new options that just might get me to purchase the game. And also they'll be more controllable than they were in S2, which is HUGE for me as the pets would drive me crazy causing me to build fences and locking gates to keep the strays out.

I like how the apartment feature is making a comeback in TS3 by way of a cheat if you don't have the Late Night EP. I really liked the apartments in TS2 which allowed for my college grads to afford a place while just starting out. No university or OFB this time around? well, not surprising as these had the fans of the over 30 crowd (which includes me) I happen to like these two, so I hope EP comes with something big in the future EP-wise.

Last but not least I like the new Store feature. I purchased a couple of the stuff packs for TS2 but found myself only liking a couple of the items. For $20 USD that's pretty expensive. With the store for about $10 you get about 1000 points to spend on whatever you like and want to have in your game. And downloading/installing is much easier too. On TS3 as well as my 2nd favorite site or just

So yes, I've been spending hours on this game because of the realism thrown in, it makes it more fun.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to post your likes & dislikes about the game.

