Jennifer Garner?

Why was she listed among the "thank yous"? Nearly everyone else listed there was actually in the film, at least briefly (Anne Hathaway, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elton John, etc.), but I didn't see her anywhere....


I don't remember seeing her in the film, either.
But she is definitely in the special features on the DVD, in the featurette "The Perfect Life: Around The World With Valentino". She appears with Valentino at The Costume Institute Benefit Gala in NY.


I did see a quick screen shot of Jennifer accepting an award in a black and white dress. There was no talking, just a shot of her.

Oops, I went to look it up and could never find the dress, finally...laying in bed about to take a nap, I realized the image I saw was not Jennifer Garner, but was Julia Roberts in this dress.... s/032501_345_36a.htm
*I breathe your name on every exhalation*


The special feature on the DVD where she appears (and speaks) is also directed by Matt Tyrnauer sp?. It is more like an extended version of the movie rather than the usual 'behind the scenes' interviews that normally pass as special features. It focussed on the major domo and was every bit as fascinating as the movie.
