The way leon looked

Okay, Leon looked terrible! He's one of my favorite Resident Evil characters! I loved the way they made him look in RE 4 for wii:

His facial features are definitely different in this movie:

If anyone has seen the movie or played the game they know what I'm talking about.



Yeh, re4 I was thinking 5 because my bf rented it and had been playing it. Where did you find out a guy named Christian provided his face for the 4th one? Yeh he just looks weird and different in the movie. I dont know what it is, why didnt they use the same one as 4?



Why did they use him.....URG i was bugged the whole time by leons face. If I was a director Id make re4 into a movie exactly like the game and most likely cast Christian Duerre!!!



Yeh your right, I'm just saying I liked Christian way better. I didn't read the article I should. And thats true he might not be a good actor at all. But if he is that that would be perfect. Would you watch RE4 if it came out?


I don't like the way he looked in the movie either.

He looks way better in RE4.

Nice work Raiden, you're dying!
Shut up Snake, you're hurting his feelings!




Leon looked a lot more pissed off in this movie.

Been a long time, comrade.


I didnt think leon looked too bad. but he really did look like an emo kid.


I agree...
He looked... I dunno, too serious in the movie.
Like some know-it-all in a cool yet dead-serious way.

I'd totally watch a movie of Resident Evil 4 if Leon was Leon from RE4. xD

Son: Dad, you owe me ten bucks!
Dad: *walks off* I owe you sh*t!


To me he seemed stiff, kinda monotone, maybe like he just needed to lighten up alittle bit. he was TOO serious. if you follow back to the games, he was more caring and relaxed. but as for animations, i believe Leon looked REAAAAAAAAAALLLLLY good.


^^Yeah, exactly.

He is indeed extremely good looking in the animations; just wanted to him more... livelier... (if that's a word) :-P

Son: Dad, you owe me ten bucks!
Dad: *walks off* I owe you sh*t!


lol they make it a word, it sounds right.


^Lol. XD

Good to know.

Son: Dad, you owe me ten bucks!
Dad: *walks off* I owe you sh*t!


I think Leon looked like a cardboard cutout for most of this film. He rarely moved at all during the dramatic scenes and wore the same expression constantly throughout them. He was like a robot. I did think that the action sequences captured the over the top nature of the ones in resident evil 4. After all Leon dangling from a broken catwalk by only his leg holding up a woman and ten tonnes of monster doesnt seem nearly as ridiculous as it sounds when compared to the laser sequence in resi 4.

'In the end'? Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.


If you asked me, i think they buggered Claire's face as well, and body in the film compred to RE2.


he barely moved LOL thats funny. but youre right, he didnt.


Aw, I don't care. They usually pick a different actor to play the movie part as opposed to the actor that played the character in the video game anyway

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
