MovieChat Forums > Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) Discussion > Why hasn't motion capture gotten better?

Why hasn't motion capture gotten better?

I own a DVD of the last episodes of Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles. While the models look dated by today's standards, the animation itself isn't that far off from Resident Evil Degeneration. Both were done using Motion Capture.

Is Motion Capture inherently limited, or is no one trying to advance it.

Don't tell me what I can't do!


I haven`t seen Beowulf, but I hear its got great animation. Same goes with Pirates 2 and 3.


Beowulf was somewhat impressive with its main cast, but all of the extras looked like they were from Shrek.


Not sure, but I could definitely tell that the person playing the Senator also played two other characters walking in the background during the early airport scene. It was like they didn't even change the body for the characters, especially his low squaty stance. Reminded me of the Violator from Spawn.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


It depends on what company does the motion capturing. Some have more advanced skills and technology than others.


I think Avatar has proven by now that the quality of mocap is not limited by technology but by the people who work on them. If they don't give a crap and don't care to make it look better then it's bound to look bad.

It's just like the problems with manual animations. If animators would take their time to do some basic research on physics, weight, mass, anatomy etc. they could create a lot better and believable animations. But instead they always come up with totally unbelievable crap like the boneless rubber figure that is known as Spider-Man or the whole Van Helsing rubbish, where no animation felt like it was real. Or what about the wings of the Creeper in Jeepers Creepers? How hard can it be to track down a slow motion video of a flying bat on the internet and model the wing's movements after that? No... they don't bother and use animations that are absolutely wrong and ruin the shot.

~No matter where you go, there you are~


Doesn't matter if the people you have are the very best if you don't have the technology to implement it correctly.

Honestly, I don't think you've ever worked with such technology. If you had, you wouldn't be saying how easy or hard it should be.


The body work in Degeneration was fine, but the faces were about 70% lifeless (90% if we're talking about Leon) and the mouth movements were very tight and limited.

Heavy Rain and Metal Gear Solid 4 have fantastic mocap all around, though.

