As a currently serving Marine

I'm a bit offended that the supposed Marines in the film are shown wearing Army Combat Uniforms.
Is it really to much to ask that somebody gets the camo right?


Evidently it is. I don't know why this is so hard for filmmakers to get right. The Army uniforms were done perfectly, too.


yeah, least there's that

the movie was good, just the camo thing was bugging me





wow, that actually OFFENDED you? i get how its annoying, but were you literally offended?

The above opinion should be ignored by everyone


It is possible it was a dubbing error.
I don't think the voice actors thought or even knew it the uniform and military started was incorrect.


It was made by the Japanese, and I'm sure that even if the localization experts noticed the flaw, they wouldn't care enough to have the CG models reskinned with correct uniforms.


To the original poster,

The people wearing ACU's in the movie are U.S. Army Rangers.

In the scene where they were talking about the U.S. Marines, they were referring to another incident that had taken place.

I have the Blu-Ray version of the movie, and in the trivia track it says that the people wearing ACU's in the movie are U.S. Army Rangers.

Hope this helps.


US Rangers? They must have been National Guard!


who cares how the Marines looked in the movie this is in the Resident Evil universe its a fantasy movie.


Well as a soldier in the army myself, the only thing that got me was that I was hoping that at least ONE of those soldiers would survive at the end!...c'mon least ONE! :(..ohh well.
But I did like the fact that they did design the current uniform and combat gear perfectly!


Yeah, as pissed off as I was that all the soldiers died, I was VERY impressed with how accurate the uniforms were. The only thing that bothered me was that none of them had unit patches!


They were all IET soldiers lol.


The movie already filled its redshirt survivor quota with the Senator's assistant and the hostess at the airport. :P


hehe, this is where you see if the filmmaker did his homeworks or simply watched too many movies himself and just throws in what he thinks is cool just because i looks nice..

But again, technically, it is a fictionnal world, soooo we could be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt, even tough thats pushy, for they probably didnt know the difference..



nice quote doomzdayxx.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

