3 Major Criticisms

1. Days, weeks, months after humans, where are the human bodies and remains that should be lying in the streets, in buildings, and in wreckage? They made a point to show how the Russian guy's body would decompose without people around to treat it, but where are the bodies of the people who treat it? This show would be much better if there were human bodies laying all over the place, because that's how it would be. Maybe every human being was raptured away or taken away in a spaceship, since no bodies remain "After People".

2. Related to the end of #1...why no explanation for how people disappeared to begin the series? The first episode should have laid out scenarios that could wipe out people but not other animals, particularly if all other animal species remain as they do in the show.

3. Related to #2...all other animal species are still around. Only scenario I can think of that could create this situation is a plague that only attacks humans. But there are animal species that are close enough to humans that some virus could have killed them as well, such as chimpanzees.

"The cadet's logic is sound..."


1. the point of the show was to just tell what happens when all the humans disappear, the only bodies remaining being the ones that were buried or on display or whatever, every person living disappears

2. they say in the narration at the beginning that this show isn't about that, they've simply chosen not to go into that, but to talk about the effect of the loss of humans to the planet (most all being, at least eventually, positive)

3. again, they chose not to go into that, there are animals, there are no people, here's what happens, simple as that


Get real.

The narrator consistently says "THREE DAYS AFTER PEOPLE" or "ONE WEEK AFTER PEOPLE" or "ONE MONTH AFTER PEOPLE," etc.

If they are going to have a show where they describe SCIENTIFICALLY what will happen after people, then the show doesn't need to start off thinking that most people are IGNORANT, which it does by assuming that its viewers should just accept the idea that people just "VANISHED" leaving everything else on the planet intact.

The fact that they want us to just go along with the idea that people just "VANISHED" is proven each episode by there being no bodies lying all around the place.

To just believe that people just "VANISHED" allows them to leave all manmade structures intact and allows them to keep all other animals around, therefore allowing them to even have a show...THAT THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE IS AN ACCURATE, SCIENCE-BASED DEPICTION of what would happen if man was no longer here.

The problem is it makes the entire show INACCURATE, because man would never just "VANISH". There would have to be something that kills him off. Anything that kills off man would also likely kill off some animal species as well. An asteroid or a super-volcano eruption would kill off much if not MOST LIFE on earth, along with people, and would also destroy some structures depending on where it hits. A virus would probably never wipe out all of man, and if one was strong enough to do so, it would probably take out some animals as well.

There is no show without some explanation for how people disappeared if the show is going to be called "LIFE AFTER PEOPLE." Where did people go? What took them out?

Nothing on the show is accurate, because the starting point is false, so everything that follows must also be false.

"The cadet's logic is sound..."


We got evicted. How about that?


Do you lack imagination? It's so easy for me to accept the premise as stated. I think speculatively like this all the time, so this is right up my alley.


Try and get your head around the issue of what happened to all the people. It is not relevant to the series. I watch it and I enjoy it that question never pops into my head.

The only thing Im thinking is I wish everyone disappeared but me then I'd be able to run around doing whatever I want :P
