I want to live ?

Since there is no one willing to discuss about this movie, I thought of sharing my views and some queries.

First, the movie is not an entertainment flick. Its shocking and far different from other Kim Ki Duk's work but the basic idea is same, about the social problems.

The lowest rating is given by males, not that its a surprise but a shame that the dominant (or not so) part of society do not want to accept such things.

After I watched it, I couldn't sleep. All the time I was questioning as to who was the good person in the movie. Was it the rapist, or the woman or the cop ? I really hated cop for his childish decisions and the last scene. The girl was bitchy too, but not really bad to others. The rapist was some kind of kid trapped in body of adult, couldn't even control his rage and desire.

But later I realized that cop was indeed trying to do some good to the victim. Albeit he wasn't mature in his decisions too. He tried to save her every-time she stumbled or was about to do something bad (like stabbing the guy in toilet mistaking him as the perpetrator). The last remedy he could thought of was to repeat the same scene and let the lady this time shoot the perpetrator (which will be cop himself) to end it all for once, but unfortunately it turned out to be in vain. The lady went berserk with the weapon and killed others too. For once I thought the cop did it for ecstasy only but the point that he could have done that very long ago (but managed to control himself every-time), voids it. He even cleaned her apartment and tidy up all things. He sacrificed himself.

The scene about doc checking her for food poisoning and the last scene at morgue was pretty disgusting. But then a human kind is not very same now as it was.

There is this little one doubt that always kept pestering me. The lady said at two instances "I want to live". So what does that actually meant ? I mean not the literal meaning but what she actually wanted and why she actually wanted.

One more thing, why the watchman got shot at the end ? He was not some bad guy, but a mature man.

Why the detective in Korean movies are shown as some coward always ?

But you're a doctor! It's your job to heal people!. How can you just let her die!


A shot in the dark really, but here goes. She had a lot of mental struggles after the assault. Demons she wanted to go away, so that things could go back to when times were happy. She tried fighting the demons, but sadly you can't controll your feelings.


yeah, but isn't it too literal? i mean how the premise is carried out in the story
e.g. beauty, social issues, etc.
human behavior doesn't go that extreme
but i guess that's what film is--something beyond ordinary everyday life


In that shootout she was shooting at men, seeing them all as the first perp at this point or not - doesn't matter they are men. Earlier in the film when she was falling down they were shrouding her within seconds.

Everything seemed to be fairly real aside from the hallucinations, utter lack of social support, no occupation, and no apparent family. Okay, I guess that is a lot.
