Mandana is annoying ...

Did they hire her because she's a dark-haired version of Taylor, with some of the same moodiness? Like Taylor's, Mandana's bangs annoy me intensely. So long and always flopping over her eyes.


I got that vibe in one of the latest episodes where she said, "OBVIII".. must they all speak like Rachel too?


^She said what? Not following you at all.


^In Rachel speak instead of saying "Obviously" like most normal people do, in Camp Zoe they say "Obvi" instead. I assume that they think it's cool to do but kind of sounds silly coming out of the mouths of people 'obviously' not in their teens.

But I agree that Mandana is Taylor Number 2. They kind of seem to hire the same type of people to work for Rachel.

-"Tell our story Christian"
-"I'm flying high defying gravity"
-"Moo with me"


They kind of seem to hire the same type of people to work for Rachel.



I actually think she's very pretty and stylish.
Taylor was great tv though. great tv. Ha.


Just caught the last 3 eps on tv and thought whatta bitch. She is very criticizing. She just seems like she always try to pimp herself up by shooting others down. And the way she kept saying "our" clothing line like she was partner. She may have had a large hand in the process, but it is still Zoe's line, her dumb name is not on the tag.


Ugh, Mandana is still super-annoying. Her use of "we" drives me nuts. She is delusional if she thinks she is any more than an employee to Rodger and Rachel. Everyone has a sell-by date, even her.


I like her, and think she has an awesome job and does an awesome job. It's nice to see young, cool, confident, successful people on TV. Usually we see train wrecks in reality TV. Rachel's company has expanded and I think it looks like an amazing work environment. This season is already better than past seasons combined. Love this show.

Show some dignity, don't be a grade grubber.


I get a real bratty, stuck up vibe from her. Like I really wouldn't want to wait on her in restaurant kind of vibe.
