MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > No Point to the Pizza Delivery (or film)...

No Point to the Pizza Delivery (or film) - SPOILER

Okay, my one BIG problem with this movie is the fact that once she is at the house, it's game over for her. No need for the whole pizza delivery plot. AT ALL.

The girl is already at the house which is in the middle of nowhere. When she knocks on your door, you open it, grab her, tie her up and you're done.


ALSO, what if she didn't want pizza? I mean, what if she ate a HUGE meal before she went there. Then what would these geniuses do?

Their whole plan revolved around their hope that college girls can't resist free pizza.

It's not like taunting her or scaring her in the house had anything to do with their end game.

I understand the director/writer wrote that in for some suspense and stuff, but it doesn't make any sense. These villains are just wasting their time.

As for the friend, same thing. Why do they need to make something go wrong with her car? They're getting oil on their hands for nothing. Just get her at the house when she drops her friend off. No one is around for miles.



The pizza was not free. She gave the "delivery guy" money for it.


Yes, but the guy who hired her gave her money for the pizza.


The pizza was drugged. Maybe they were hoping she would just fall asleep and then wake up not knowing what had happened, except for maybe being a little sore down there.


We realize the pizza was loaded with a drug.

What the OP is saying and what you apparently don't realize, is that the whole "pizza plot line" didn't need to even exist. All they had to do is grab the girl when she walked in the house.

In fact, they could have grabbed both her and her friend, tied them both up and been fine.

This film is stupid and the whole nostalgia look to it is the only thing keeping it from being forgotten instantly.


Yeah too bad Lebron wasn't in it to make it even worse.


That's got to be the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Don't be mad that this film was poorly written.

You get extra "weirdo" points for looking into all of my previous posts.


Considering how well they did when she WAS drugged and tied up? She's a spry little fighter, that one.



I totally agree, what a waste of time. I don't get why some people are raving about this movie when there's no plot (except for rehashing part of Rosemary's Baby) and absolutely nothing happens for the majority of the film. So they tried to make it look like an 80s movie, big F-ing deal, been there done that, I'd rather have substance over style any day. This movie is overrated, no story, no scares, no originality, no point.
Some scares, but for the most part, a real waste of time. I swear...sometimes when I see people rave about some movie that totally dogs it, I wonder:

1. Are they a part of the production team of the film?
2. Are they getting paid to post these things?
3. Are they delusional?

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


Some scares, but for the most part, a real waste of time. I swear...sometimes when I see people rave about some movie that totally dogs it, I wonder:

1. Are they a part of the production team of the film?
2. Are they getting paid to post these things?
3. Are they delusional?

Or... maybe they have a different opinion than you.

"You're a woman, Harry"


True that. And I frequently have amicable exchanges with people who have a different opinion.

But there's a difference between having an opposing point of view, and endless ravings as if the world is going to come to an end if some film isn't defended to the death.

Just sayin...

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov




In fact, they could have grabbed both her and her friend, tied them both up and been fine.

You're absolutely right...but then there'd be no movie. This is the fatal flaw with the majority of horror films.

"I have given a name to my pain, and it is Batman!"


Or the writers could have just been more creative and come up with a more believable scenario...


You're right, but this is the nature of horror films. There's always some aspect that derails it's believability, but the truth of the matter is that there wouldn't be a film if a character wouldn't open the door or do something that they shouldn't have done in the first place. Horror takes an idea and goes to the most bizarre place it could go.

I think you're right, this film could have easily gone that route. They were in an isolated location, which is probably what would have happened if this were real life, but this isn't real life, it's a movie, it's workings are part of a controlled environment. It's just how they work. A horror film is successful when it does one thing: frighten it's audience. This film does that exceedingly well.

"I have given a name to my pain, and it is Batman!"


I don't know, it didn't frighten me at all. There wasn't a moment in it where I felt tense. The problems for me were that you could see what was going to happen from a mile away. When she found the furs and photos it wasn't so much an "Oh *beep* moment as much as it was a "No *beep* moment.

The cultists were incredibly inept. Incredibly. They didn't pose much of a threat at any point in the movie and if they hadn't written the character as being incredibly oblivious to everything around her, they'd never have gotten her. Even when they do, they clearly didn't know how to tie a knot (she was not a big girl yet still rips her way out of the ropes holding her) and proceeds to murder the *beep* out of them. There was a moment of imminent threat there when she was tied up, but I mean, it was short lived. Besides that the cultists were as threatening as the three stooges.

The pizza, as previously mentioned, was completely superfluous. The old guy's heavyhanded attempts to get her to order pizz, given his already proven intent to lie to her face after being an unreliable creeper, should have thrown up at least a "Unh. What?" from her; it doesn't. I agree that sometimes you have to 'cheat' in order to set up a plot or scene. Characters have done stupid *beep* in horror movies since the dawn of horror movies, and that's ok, but that shouldn't be a free pass for lazy writers to cut corners. The main character's complete inability to have a thought of her own felt like one giant cut corner.

It would have been way better if they'd grabbed her and her friend when she arrived and have the movie revolve around her and her friend trying to hide from them in this huge house; Like "The People Under the Stairs" but with fewer bondage masks. Would have been way easier to build tension as the two friends try to navigate the cramped but expansive house, discovering piece by piece the intentions of the cultists, while the three cultists hunt them before midnight strikes.

But no, instead we get some girl sitting around being bored in a house for 60 minutes, then a flurry of action and finally an ending that, personally, left me stunned... not in a good "Wow!" way mind you, more in the "Lol. Wut?" kind of way.

People can say that "only true horror fans will appreciate this movie" all they want, because if being a "true horror fan" involves guzzling down any dreck put in front of you because "OMGITLOOKSLIKETHE70'SORMAYBEEARLY80'S" then count me out, guys. Psychological horror revolves around the build up, true, but it also has the payoff. This movie had the build up then no pay off.


But like any horror movie or movie in general, if they "would have done this" then there wouldn't be a movie. Seriously, people, does no one not know how to sit back and enjoy a movie. This movie is great!

"She must suffer to her last breath."
-Kill Bill


Exactly, the majority of films are filled with contrived plots and questionable decisions but there used to carry the story and further the plot. This movie is great, I agree, I love it.


This film is stupid and the whole nostalgia look to it is the only thing keeping it from being forgotten instantly.


There were three of us in this marriage


they could have grabbed her and done everything, but as one of the other posters said, i think they wanted her to pass out and not recall anything...kinda like the intention in Rosemary's baby. maybe.
either way, i dont think it was supposed to have strong logic, much like the movies it was paying tribute to.


haha true!

Do you need anything else?


You are right!!!!!!!!
The couple that hired the main character wanted to impregnate her with Satan's child, she needed to be alive to give birth to it....what purpose did the killer have then??? Why did he kill the friend? Because she was a witness? A witness to what? Where they waiting for the eclipse? Why couldnt they sedate her and then have the ritual??


This 'killer' you speak of wasn't just a 'killer'. He was the old couple's son and he wasn't sent to kill the girl. Just to give her the drugged pizza and keep a good lookout. Secondly, they didn't kill her friend for being a witness, they killed her so no one would come looking for her at midnight like she ASKED her friend to do. The main girl had already told the old man that the blonde chick was her only ride. Lastly, the eclipse was A NECESSARY FRACTION of the whole ritual. They were waiting on it for a reason.


You make a good point! The killer (I know he was with the couple, just called him the killer because I forgat the name) was a lookout maybe making sure the main character didnt run away or something. Maybe if she didnt buy the pizza they would have sedated her another way...


How about this: if the baby is coming in 9 months like a normal human baby (as we hear them say), then why can't she just ABORT it and be done with it? It's clearly playing by human baby rules (if it takes normal gestation periods/birthing routines), so it's pretty easy to get rid of the devils baby evidently.

This movie is bad, I agree. Yes they nailed the 80s vibe PERFECTLY, I can't say enough about how well that was done. But so what? If there's nothing of interest happening then what's the point?

It's like me getting a 60s garage rock tone right on for my band, then playing awful screeching out of time and off key music. Yeah we nailed the vibe, but the product is garbage so who cares?

"You didn't like this movie? Go watch [insert completely opposite movie] instead"


Yes, after finding out she was pregnant she could try to abort it so ends the menace...


Except now *spoiler* She probably has severe brain damage if she's not a total vegetable.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Didnt the nurse say that she and the baby were going to be fine??? I saw it months ago and I dont remember.


Haven't seen the movie yet, but for them to already know she was pregnant, how much time had passed between the time she shot herself and woke up? If it's after so many weeks (coma?) it would be too late to abort.


1 - She's a college student, obviously hurting for money because she took a babysitting job. How many 'poor college students' do you know that *wouldn't* go for a free pizza?

2 - Do you have to have it *all* spelled out for you? Use your imagination; maybe there's a certain danger to having her all riled up and fighting back, hence the sedative. There's a reason they didn't want to have to violently take her.

Also, her friend was with her and considering the first look at the 3 bad people I don't imagine them running marathons, nor to be healthy enough to chase after 2 girls, risking them important minutes before the time frame runs out for the ritual.

A drugged up girl is much 'safer' than an aware nervous teenager that can fight for life.

Also, the only movie you've ever posted on is this one? Really?

I'm thinking you're not a film aficionado.



I feel as if none of you that dislike the movie actually paid any attention to it. You all keep bringing up points that are clearly explained in the movie. JonWright, there is hair in the drain as a creepy scare at first, but later in the movie the wife takes off her wig, revealing her almost-bald head. I don't know why or how she lost her hair, but that's whose hair it was. The movie doesn't tell you why it's there; it's simply there for a creepout at first, then it's explained later. No more analysis needed.



The hair in the bath is black, Mrs. Ulman has grey hair under her wig. Why are you assuming it was her hair?


The only part I didn't like was the climax. She is supposed to be drugged, but she escapes and gets shot, slits a guy's throat, and takes out the other two Satanists all in a few minutes.

And what was up with Mrs. Ulman staring out in the window and getting stabbed? It was really random and made no sense, just a cop out for her escape without struggling.

I guess they worked so hard building up the suspense, they let it all out too quickly at the end when they could have worked harder on the pacing and made it a bit slower at the end.


Have you ever had an outpatient procedure? You walk out the door on your own two feet. Add adrenaline to that and I can readily believe that she jacked some people up in her desire to GET THE *beep* OUTTA THERE.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


I think it was important to the Satanists to drug her (rather than just grab her and tie her up) because they didn't want her to know she had been impregnated by Satan. Remember Cult-Mom telling her how pretty she is and how the boys must like her? They were probably assuming she had sex often enough at the college so that when she finds out she's pregnant a few weeks down the road, she thinks the dad is a guy from school. (Of course, the flaw in this plan is that she could choose to have an abortion).

To me, a bigger implausibility is the portrayal of her financial situation: she needs the money so badly for her new apartment that she's willing to accept this dodgy offer. It made me think that since she and Greta Gerwig were such great friends, and Greta seemed to have money-from-parents, why didn't the two of them get an apartment together. Oh well.

These are small gripes, really, because I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and I expect plot-implausibilities in a horror movie.



y'all hated all the best parts.

the way she grabbed that pizza makes me laugh every time. the other best part is when the friend got it, and of course the 80's dancing.

the mood and "boringness" was as much a part of the 80's horror as their hairdos.

i had to keep looking at the date the film was made because it really took me back there.



>>>I don't think we hated it. The difference is that back in the 80s, those scenes were common and we didn't think they slowed the movie down.>>>

i think you're so right about that.

recently, i went all the way back to the 70's to show my family the original Stepford Wives, which I always thought was so political and clever. I tell you even I felt the movie drag. It was SO SLOW to me.

Even when I watch an action scene in a really old movie, the action seems slow. My mind is faster now and I can fell the difference lol.



yes that's how i know a movie was brilliant if it still holds up. stepford wives was good in my mind, lol. i have to check rosemary's baby again. i don't think i've seen it since the 80's, but i think it would really be good.

i'm a huge zombie fan, so romero's stuff works for me, or at least it did till i got the dvd with the commentary and found out that the insurance salesman and the secretary etc were in the film and all the background details.

i swear Night of the Living Dead still put my stomach in knots even after i had seen it a million times and knew the dialogue by heart.


An other thing that disturbed me a lot :
They undress her but she keeps her underwear.
This is typically non-sense, especially when we know that esoteric cult are often linked to sexual deprevation.
Very unlikely anyway.


I liked the movie as I found that it really did have me believe it was from the 80s. I thought that really added to the suspense (I actually thought it was the 70s) because now you watch a movie and there's lame excuses for why they can't get help, like cell phone doesn't have service etc, which aren't believable. I thought it was cool to see something take place back then where you only have the rotary dial phone, no texting etc. However I thought the end was a bit weak. I found the majority of the time she was in the house to be pretty creepy, sort of like When a Stranger calls. Knowing that the son is outside the house and that even if she tried to escape she couldn't made it eerie for me. I think I'd have enjoyed it more if the family was just crazy or tormented her like The Strangers. The way she escaped from being tied up etc was far too easy and that kind of ruined the rest of it for me.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.


Although there were things that didn't make sense, this can be somewhat explained on a "meta" level as tropes of the medium. The small gaps in logic are part of what gives it a 80s (IMO more late 70s) feel.
