Build up better than pay off.

This movie had really great build up, but the payoff was really humdrum to me.

People in robes, pentagrams, and satan worship. Real cliche stuff.
Moderators are terrorists.


Agreed, the beginning of the movie had so much promise. The atmosphere was right, even until after she gets to thehhouse. I just feel that the creator of the movie had so much to work with, they could have played up on the cat and mouse hunt once she's in the house and figures out somethings not right. . Epic fail.


Actually, the build up was just as boring and cliche. "I need money, so I am going to make an irresponsible choice. Also, I am going to walk around my campus for 40 minutes, take a nap, and all of it will be on camera for some reason."

I felt insulted by this movie's tediousness.


i could not agree more.
