MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > It would be better if this movie actuall...

It would be better if this movie actually had suspense

There's so many long periods of just nothing happening. Makes the movie boring


I agree. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the part where Sam's friend gets killed. I thought it would be building up to something great. I didn't even know this wasn't shot in the 70s until my boyfriend mentioned it after we started watching.

Unfortunately, it was incredibly slow for action that lasted about 15 minutes with an obvious ending.


I agree. Everything was well done but I just wish the climax lasted a little longer (that's what she said) haha but seriously I wanted more.

Who was that decrepit lady who slit her wrist?
Do the "ulmans" only do this on the eclipse?
How was she found and brought to the hospital?
What would have happened if she didn't shoot herself?
She now has a devil baby?


Do the "ulmans" only do this on the eclipse?

Why is this a question?

How was she found and brought to the hospital?

I assume somebody in the family, or someone who knew the family brought her. Or somebody heard stuff going on and called the cops.

What would have happened if she didn't shoot herself?

I haven't seen the movie in a little bit, but I think you're talking about the main girl.
Nothing, since she lived through shooting herself, it was as if she never shot herself.

She now has a devil baby?

Well that's what she's pregnant with.


I'm a fan. Find it wonderfully creepy.



It's not suspenseful because the heroine isn't in any danger through most of the movie.

Hitchcock always used an example of two people being in a restaurant and a bomb in a suitcase near them. The bomb is going to go off any second but the characters are too busy talking.

Now, take away the bomb and you get House of the Devil.


It's more like the bomb is in a car speeding to the restaurant from two states away, and the driver calls every half hour with updates: "I'm still about 12 hours away, but don't go anywhere. The bomb will be there soon, I promise."


She isn't in any actual danger? Did we watch the same movie?


There are cultists around, sure, but they just wait for her to order pizza. Let's put it this way, instead of Michael Myers stalking people and the possibility of them getting killed at any moment, imagine if Halloween was about bunch of girls who were sitting inside of the house while Michael was just waiting next to some phone. Girls got bored and decided to call a stripper, Michael got that call and went in and then decided to kill people.


i thought it was very suspenseful and creepy  a wonderful movie. different strokes for different blokes.

If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!


Yes, the majority of the movie was just the girl wandering through the house. Don't get me wrong, I usually enjoy "slow burn" horror movies. I don't need rivers of blood, jump scares, or anything like that to enjoy a horror movie. I do appreciate atmosphere and suspense. But for some reason this movie didn't resonate with me. I think a lot of it was because she was alone in the house and didn't have anyone to talk to. Sometimes when characters aren't talking in movies I tend to lose interest in whatever is going on (silent movies don't count). It's very difficult to have one person carry much of a movie. If she was with someone else in the house the entire time it would've been more interesting.
