MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > Great film until the last 20 minutes (Sp...

Great film until the last 20 minutes (Spoilers)

Suspenseful, creepy story well told but the last half hour was so predictable and cliched.

Shocker, she poked a guy's eye out (in?). Shocker, she slit his throat.

Shocker, the lady had her back turned for some unnecessary prayer to give Sam enough time to stab her in the back.

Shocker, she turns the gun on herself after the guy tells her he's just a messenger and killing him won't change anything.

Ruined what would've been a very solid horror film otherwise


Are these plot points really cliched? Is it really a big deal that Mrs. Ulman was looking out the window, begging her lord to talk to her? Is it a "shocker" whether she slit his throat, pushed his eye in or out, or shot him in the head? Is the film really ruined because Sam, out of sheer fright, decided to turn the gun on herself?

These are somewhat trivial points because nothing here detracts the outcome of the story. Mrs. Ulman, her son and her husband even, are causalities in a horror movie. The bad one usually die, after all. It doesn't matter if it was at the window or by a slit throat. Also, the ending of the film isn't really all that bad. It's a creepy, cinematic conclusion to a film that was more about the atmospheric experience than about creating a series of unique events.

She must suffer to her last breath.
-Kill Bill


When did Sam shoot herself??


At what point did you stop watching?


I found all of that extremely emotionally effective. And not predictable at all! Predictable is when the girl victim falls down while trying to run away and then doesn't even try to get up, scrambling backwards ineffectively as her attacker approaches. Now THAT's a cliché (and please God may I never see it again EVER).

This gutsy kid took out a guy's eye, slit his throat, stole his gun, got right up when she fell (more than once), and then killed another attacker instead of just running away like a wimp to get attacked again like stupid horror victims usually do. She was then fully prepared to kill the last one, and I thought she would - she knew he told lies. But because she believed him, she surprised the hell out of me by instantly, with no dithering, crying, or indecision at all, deciding the world was better off without whatever this was that they'd done to her, and BAM.

I loved her. Would totally watch a sequel to see what she does about the presumable demon baby when she wakes up. I know this much - it'd be something I wouldn't expect!

"We gotta get outta here." "I know, I can't stand this music!"


I'm the exact opposite. I thought it was a bit on the dull side until the ending. Then things started to get a bit better. For me, the ending brought it from a 6.5/10 to a 7/10.


The ending of the film was perfect for me. The protagonist, as horrified as she was, showed bravery. The fact that she lived was a surprise, and then the ending line from the nurse, "you'll be fine... *rubs belly* both of you" made me gasp and whimper at the same time


All the "shockers" in the original post are lame.

The only thing I didn't really like about the ending was how she survived the self inflicted gunshot wound to her head. The bullet passed through her skull and exploded out the other side? How the hell can anyone survive THAT?
