MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > Oustanding film! Others like it?

Oustanding film! Others like it?

I absolutely loved the look and feel of the film, the score and the slow build-up. I really appreciated the fact that there was no quick cutting and that the camera was mostly steady/still; no damned shaky-cam! When the camera does start to move towards the end, it is all the more effective, since it was not over-used at the beginning like in so many movies these days. If I did not know better, I'd mistake this for having been made in the early 80s. One of my favourite horror films; already on my top horror list here.

What are some other films like this, that have slow build-up with steady camera-work? I've seen the classsics like Halloween 1 + 2, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Rosemary's Baby, The Thing, The Shining, Candyman, Romero's Dead Trilogy and The Wicker Man, as well as some modern classics like The Babadook and It Follows.

Ideally they should be from the 60s, 70s and 80s but modern or older ones that have the same look and feel are welcome.


Session 9, starry eyes


Thanks; they're great films!


Mickey Keating's film "Darling" is an absolute masterpiece but I dug this film as well
