MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > Just don't watch it (may contain spoiler...

Just don't watch it (may contain spoilers)

I've watched my fair share of horror movies.
Granted, I'm not used to "old" films from the 80's but I mean. They must have had endings back in the day?
What was that movie? Ya'll may call me stupid for not "getting" it but what's to get?
This should have been a short film, it's that simple.
Aint nothing happening and in all honesty, after Sam ordered that pizza I felt like I was waiting for that delivery guy in real time.
And finally things started to happen.
Flop! It took 5 minutes of the movie any suspension or remotely interesting. 5 'bleeping' minutes. That dance she did took longer.

No. Hands down worst, most unoriginal story I have watched.


I dunno, the story may not have been much, but the slow build up definitely kept me on edge and interested in where this was it did it's job to me. Great little low budget throwback film


I agree with your comments,the movie made me sick from opening and closing doors.

Just dont waste your time.


I'm not sure what you didn't get. This is a movie about a satanic cult needing a sacrifice for their special night and the harrowing, scary night our main character goes through. We as an audience know something is wrong, and as we get the pieces to the puzzle, we wait to see when she will figure out that she needs to get out of the house immediately. It doesn't matter if you're not used to movies from the 80's, and this movie had an ending. If the ending doesn't meet your requirements (which I imagine mean you need everything spelled out for you) then that's not the fault of the movie, that's your own preconceived notions clouding your judgment.

I'm not calling you stupid at all by the way. Movies are not for everyone. You either like tension building movies with suspenseful, mysterious characters or you don't.


the buildup took way longer than necessary, and everything that happened in the finale was completely expected. yes, they're satanists, yes, 'mother' is monstrous, yes, AJ guy is their evil son... the buildup is only worth it if something UNEXPECTED happens.


I disagree about the build up. It doesn't have to be unexpected for it to be worth it. Look at Halloween.

I did think this didn't have much of a suspense and the long build up didn't help.


OP you have stated everything thats wrong with this movie, especially the complete LACK of suspense or of any kind of tension to speak of.
A youtube short story at best - its insulting to the intelligence to call this a horror movie.
If you have to be woken up to watch the end of your horror movie...the director has failed


good advice

so many movies, so little time


I wish I would have read this before hand. It was a very long dragging boring movie. Yes, it was a very unorginaial story.

I'll sum it up now girl goes to babysit and gets killed. Done. Don't waste your time.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


I'll sum it up now . Done. Don't waste your time.

You must not have watched the film very closely if you came to the conclusion Sam died. While she did shoot herself in the head, the nurse checking on her, and her unborn baby, in the hospital made it clear she was going to be fine, both of them.
