
Most stupid exchange in the film:

Affleck (yelling upstairs to son) Why don't you play your X-Box?
Mother - We got rid of the X-Box a few weeks ago. We couldn't afford it.


For those unfamiliar with video game consoles: You purchase the console and then you own it. Even if you don't have a lot of games (which isn't usually the case when you can afford a console) you are VERY unlikely to ever be in a situation where you can no longer afford a gaming console which you own.

Both my girlfriend and I stared at the TV when these lines were uttered.
Mind-numbingly dumb.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


He could have sold it to a person or something of the sort..


The wife specifically states that they had to "give back" the X-Box.
Watch the film again and you'll hear the line.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


Ok my bad. I'm sure they could have returned it though.


How much value would a used X-Box have?
The systems are $150-200 NEW w/o games.
If they were that desperate financially, the wife, who was a NURSE, could have taken another job or taken care of private patients.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


She said he "gave it back", as in he gave it back to his mom to sell, because he knew they had money problems. He's too young to understand that the little amount from the Xbox would make a difference, and she took it, for his pride so he could feel like he was contributing.


Watched it for the first time over the weekend.

I thought this was strange to but then assumed the not afford bit would relate to an on-line gaming subscription monthly/annual fee.

Not sure if that is the same in US but in UK you have to pay Microsoft to access on-line gaming with the x-box


even though some posters have made sense of the that mini story in the movie it still to me is a dumbass thing to include in the movie

its should have been cut out

though maybe it was to show the last straw for ben affleck befor he decides to finally get a job from kevin costner
