MovieChat Forums > The Company Men (2011) Discussion > Costner would hire Mexicans in real life

Costner would hire Mexicans in real life

Most construction sites do not employ Americans-- white or black. That's reality in 2011.


"Illegals do jobs that Americans won't do" is of course, a lie. If some professional person gets laid off from a high-paying salaried job, OF COURSE they will eventually accept lower paying, lower status work in construction, fast food, etc. in order to at least be doing something, and helping make ends meet.

Having millions of illegals performing work that Americans WILL DO is not right.


Did you forget the locale? They're in Boston, are they not? Maybe if they were in California, but your theory can't fly so much. Who cares anyway? Not every contracter is low life scum to sneak in illegals and pay them under the table.


America is flooded with illegals, from the southern border to the northern border. I'm not saying they aren't hard working people, and I'm not saying that anyone who employs an illegal is a lowlife scum.

But, the fact is that there are millions of people in our country illegally, and they undercut wages, and they take jobs from Americans. I know numerous contractors who can't make a decent wage because there are -- usually Mexicans -- who do the same work for half. Quality of work varies widely, at best.

No country that wants to survive can tolerate this. No country that has allowed this, from the Ancient Romans onward, has survived.

And, it's not just "evil corporations" that are the problem -- it's POLITICAL PARTIES who pander for their votes, and are doing whatever they can to get them over here, and then once they are here, doing everything they can to get them the right to vote, and in many cases encouraging them to vote illegally.

I'll let you go guess which party I am referring to.

Much of the economic hardhips and reduction of standard of living depicted in this movie are a direct result of a bankrupt semi-Socialist Welfare State that attracts and rewards semi-skilled, illegal third world peasants.


The problem is the person who buys the lowest price or hires the lowest bidder because they use cheap labor.


It's the rat face, low life who cheats at everything and pays under the table. If you have no scrupples, you do those things. If you're morally corrupt, you do those things. IF you were referring to the Democratic Party, yes, I'm one of those. However, I would not do that. I worked for a King Rat who did do that...know what he was? Republican, of course.


The work the illegals must be doing must be pretty good or at least acceptable, otherwise they would not get hired, no matter how low the costs. If the illegals' provided work of unacceptable quality, the employer's customers would soon stop buying from that employer, and the employer would be out of business.

It makes no sense to hire a guy for $5/hr if the work he does is going to cost you money in the long run. So the American employers who hire illegals must find the illegals of acceptable value


East Boston and Revere is a mostly Hispanic population. However, they're mostly legal, so they wouldn't be dirt cheap.


I don't know much about the city of Boston, so I can't comment on that. But his character made it abundantly clear that he was against shipping jobs overseas, so it stands to reason that he would also want to support legal American workers, even if it cut into his profits.


Who knows. Some working class type people believe it's wrong to ship jobs overseas, but its OK to hire illegals so long as you pay them a good liveable wage. I don't think I'd have much of a problem giving money to illegal workers, as long as they were good people, friend's of friends or something like that.


Good point. I've seen more than a few Irish illegals working in the Boston area. And there're a lot of people who just don't see it that way - they think that they're just giving a hand to someone from the Old Country.


