Food fight

I have never been in a food fight, I never want to and I always feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed for the people involved when I see it in a film. So my question to those who have participated in such an event, if there are any of you out there, is it fun? Is it really worth all that mess? And how does it start? In all my 22 years on this earth, I've never witnessed anything like it. Is it an American thing, or what? Please clue me in on this strange phenomenon!

"I'm not good or real - I'm evil and imaginary!"


When Animal House was the hot release. I was living in a dorm and we had a food fight in the college cafeteria. Needless to say the college was very upset about the whole affair.

Wonderland Exile


I never did. It feels repulsive to me.

But in Bliss situation, she had to do it. Juliette Lewis flicked something at her first, she had no choice but to flick back.


It feels repulsive to me.

me too


I've never been in a food fight. But after that scene, I began to think about how a person would get one started. You would need to organize it, I suppose. Just one person jumping out and shouting "FOOD FIGHT!!!" would only work if the first few people are ready to join in. I think that once there's a certain amount of people doing it, then everyone else will join in. But some people will need to be provoked into it (i.e. if someone splatters you with food, you will have the urge to splatter them back).

I once heard a former uni classmate tell me they had a "beer fight" in a pub. They had great fun but they were kicked out. I would like to have seen that! YR


One time in preschool me and some other kids got in trouble for throwing fake plastic food at each other. I don't know why there was fake plastic food in the classroom, but that was decades ago. Since then I've never once had the inclination to throw food at a person, and I think the whole idea of grown men and women doing so is largely a construct of movies and television cartoons.

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."


During the last month or so of junior high we had a food fight. Someone just whipped spaghetti at another kid and yelled food fight, then we all started.
"When death sleeps, it dreams of me."


It's basically the safest, most liberating thing I can think of.


Food Fights are great for those involved and take very little provocation to get started! Once the initial exchange has taken place the loud cry of "FOOD FIGHT!!!" is usually enough to give everyone permission to start chucking their food at each other. I have only ever been in one at a staff Christmas party; it got so out of hand the police were called by the staff of the place. All the other customers left in disgust at our behaviour.


I actually remember being in quite a few. They tended to be far less slapstick than the stuff you see in movies or on TV sitcoms. One was started on the last week of Junior High and it was just the entire eight grade lunch room deciding to have a little fun on the way out. It was very good-natured, outside of the leaving a mess for the janitor to clean up. The next few were actually far more mean-spirited. Our freshmen table would get bombarded fairly regularly as a sort of hazing by the older grades (I believe it was a sophomore table). Before long, we started throwing back. Eventually, they moved on to grabbing crab apples from the trees outside and whipping them at us after lunch. I think at one point, they decided to chase us into one of the class rooms, not realizing there were about eight of us and three of them. Before long, one of the bigger kids in our grade tackled one of them through the doors and it turned into a physical altercation. I don't remember all the details but the one that will always stick out is the freshman, my best friend at the time, going to throw a Hoodsie cup (ice cream) in the other kids' face but missing and nailing a teacher who was running into break up the fight.
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As an adult I would never participate in a food fight. But when I was in high school I accidentally started a huge food fight and got suspended for it.
