Boycott this game

Once again, the hamfisted, super-aggressive management of Sharon Osbourne has reared it's ugly head.

It's speculation, but suddenly Ronnie James Dio's management comes out with a statement that his parts have been removed from the project to be replaced. His statement doesn't say why; perhaps he doesn't even know.

However, Ozzy and thus Sharon are on the project and you can do the math from there if you know anything about the history of these two.

Don't let Sharon win...denounce this before it even hits the shelf.


I am so gonna buy this game.

This is my kind of game, and you saying i should boycott this even makes me want it more.
And i don't even know you.


But it has Rob Halford. This game could consist of a CGI-animated Halford sitting in a dark room with a single light and just talking about what comes to mind for hours and I would still buy it and play it


Hell no! Tim Schafer needs to have a game that actually sells well for once.
Who gives a damn who's doing the voice acting? If the whole cast was a bunch of no-names I wouldn't care so long as they do a good job.

Blessed pancakes.


So we should "boycot" a game due to a petty arguments from the past?

There is a hell of a lot of backstabing in the entertainment industry, music, games, movies, etc.
So going by the standards you wish to set, you would have to "boycot" almost any piece of entetainment meida realeased...ever.

You know what I'll do. I'll play the game, then decide if it's something I want to play.
I don't give a bollock about Sharon Vs Ronnie. I want to play a good game.

BTW: the demo is out and it's damn good rockin' fun.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



Um, wasn't Ronnie replaced by Tim Curry? I'd imagine because, well, it's Tim Curry (who perhaps became available late in the day, or even volunteered to do the part... I have no idea). I mean, cameo fun is cool, but who's gonna top Tim as "stereotypical evil demon king"?

I'm loving this game, but while there may indeed be reasons for someone (an insane someone, mind you) to "boycott" it - i.e. you're an Activision fanboy, you hate Tim Schafer for making every game seem poorly written after playing Grim Fandango, it stars Jack Black - yours is the WORST reason to do so. :D


I swear to god. I don't give a *beep* who is in it. Don't even thinking about not buying this game. Doublefine had enough trouble selling Psychonauts (an amazing game) and they don't need retarded fan-boy squabbles running them into the ground.


What you basically said is "I have no idea if this is true or not, and I have no way to confirm this, but Dio isn't in this game because of Sharon Osborn and thus nobody should buy this game". Maybe you should get some facts in order before you go making such a suggestion.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
