Has anyone done this mission yet? How do you finish it? It becomes way too full on after I bust through the neck of the first tower.


Surprisingly, I finished the game last night. After the first few RTS segments, I wasn't really looking forward to any more, but I found they didn't really get much harder as you progressed, with the excrption of the first battle with the goths, or Tear Drinkers. I really have no strategy, just build as many troops as I can, and then save fans for stage upgrades (very important) so you can get tougher troops. Also, any time you send your guys into battle, get to ground level and double team with one of the razor girls or other characters so you can do a double team attack.

Keep advancing to set up more merch booths, and keep upgrading your stage and creating more guys. When you think you've got enough, just target the enemy's stage and have your guys attack that while you double team and help fend off enemies.

It was never easy, but it never felt like I was overwhelmed, nor did they get frustrating. These battles were pretty well balanced, I think.


The easiest way to do this is to get a decent sized army together before you attack the first, that way the enemy doesnt get any really tough troops as they do as soon as you kill the first snake head thing. As soon as your army takes out the first one, send them to the second before you drive through the neck. That way, they should take out the second just a little after you come out of the neck, which makes it wasy for you to simply drive up and kill the second snake head. There you go! Enjoy! (Oh, and dont make the same mistake i did the first time i beat it and sit there fighting for age trying to get another army to kill what i thought was the 'third' head. Just drive straight up to it!!!)




what i did was get a huge army (with the rock tumbler thing), make the head submit to be crashed through, then send my army to attack the OTHER head. then get in the deuce and drive through. the giant creatures will spawn and most likely rape your team but you'll have killed the two heads and can go on to pwn the EPIC *beep* out of doviculus.


I really didn't have all that many troops when I beat this on Brutal. But what I found helped is setting your men on the second head as soon as they knock down the first so they'll be attacking it while you're finishing off the first head.


I did it on brutal without too much trouble.to be honest i thought the ophelia battle was harder. just get as many headbangers as you can, upgrade them to maximum and send them after the first tower with a couple of thunderhogs. when they get there play bring it on home, then battle cry. the first head should fall in about 30 seconds. send them immediately to the second head and plant the rally flag there. spawn more troops if you need to. play bring it on home/battle cry when you've at least 8 headbangers attacking the head then go get doviculous.
if you plant the rally flag by the second tower you should be ok, but if you still find yourself getting your behind handed to you then spawn some fire barons as well. they're quick so it's hard for the tainted coil troops to catch them.

easy. sorry, BRUTAL.


Do your guitar solos REALLY damage the enemies merch booths or Doviculous's heads? I tried straight out attacking enemy merch booths and the enemies "fans" always knocked me back a couple of feet...leading me to believe I could only use my troops to do that. I never thought of using my guitar solos.
