Too many cutscenes?

Started playing this last night and it almost felt like an animated movie broken up with brief moments of gameplay. I love the cast and Tim Schafer, but it was a little too heavy on the cutscenes and it felt that every time I was JUST getting into the gameplay, I'd have to sit through another 2 minute mini-movie. Got frustrating after a while....



>>Whats wrong with too many cutscenes?

The problem with TOO MANY cutscenes is that there are TOO MANY. If I want to watch an animated film, I'll rent one.



You think there are too many cut scenes in this?
Don't play MGS then.
At least these ones are short, and you can skip them.

I don't think there are too many cut scenes in this, I have seen far "worse".

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Hehe, I actually tried the MGS demo and had to give up after a few minutes, the dialogue sections were just INSANE! At least the BL ones are entertaining, but there were more than a few times I just wanted to get back to the playing the damn game. Like I said, I don't have an issue with the idea, I just prefer it when story is more efficiently integrated into the gameplay.


there's like one cutscene before each mission.
that's pretty much the same as any open world game.



i loved the cutscenes there bloody funny, and there's a joke in everyone of them, jack black is funny

XBL: FTZcube
Guardian of the Skies


They are rather frequent, but they drove the story really well, they were fun to watch and they weren't exactly long. Plus if you really don't want a storyline in this game you can always do what the others have said and skip them.


I stopped playing the first Mass Effect game for that very reason. All that damn dialogue ruined the game for me.

However, I don't think Brutal Legend was too bad. As another poster said, I too have seen worse.
