MovieChat Forums > Morning Joe (2007) Discussion > GET RID OF MIKA!!!!!!!!!!

GET RID OF MIKA!!!!!!!!!!

What the F is wrong with Mika 'can I buy a vowel' Brzezinski????

The woman consistently talks over Joe when he is trying to make a point, and if she manages to keep her big trap shut, she rolls her eyes, fidgets, and overall acts like a petulant child.

I don't care WHO her father was, she is a complete waste on this show and is horribly unprofessional and a big, face lifted distraction.

The way she acts, you'd think this was a "whacky, news zoo in the morning!" FM radio show. BTW, acting like a teenager when you are in your 40s is...SAD.

EVERY comment from Joe or a guest does NOT require a "uh huh", "haha" or "hmmmm!" from her stupid mouth. YOU ARE WEARING A MIC. SHUT UP UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING RELEVENT TO SAY. I often wonder why he doesn't just duct tape her freakin' flappin' pie hole. JEEZ!

Did she miss day ONE of broadcast school where it said to never talk over your cohost if possible, because both voices are amplified at the same level, and NEITHER is heard clearly?

Gawd she is an annoying shrew. Like Kathy Lee Gifford without the appealing singing voice.


I cannot agree more. Mika is the worst casting choice for a show since Elisabeth Hasselbeck on the View (and even that's more tolerable).

What does Mika even contribute to Morning Joe? It's safe to say -- NOTHING. Just because her father is brilliant doesn't mean the apple didn't fall far away from the tree.

Mika is about as articulate as my 5-year-old niece. She can barely string a sentence together and when she does, it makes little sense.

It's just sad that the producers of Morning Joe are wasting a position on someone who's incapable of properly articulating their thoughts. I wish they'd replace her with Tina Brown.



They both need to go!

"Death is too easy for you, BITCH!...I want you to suffer."


I just started watching because my son is off for winter break and wakes up early.

I HATE Mika with a passion. I have no idea what she contributes to this show besides her sexist remarks to the all male panel. Or the way she rolls her eyes at everyone, including the camera.

When Joe talks, she tends to throw back her hair to show off her weekly botox and try to hog up attention. It's really distracting when you just want to know what Dan Senor thinks about the Tiger Woods scandal.

My favorite thing is Willie Geist who is a breath of fresh air. It was hilarious when Mika tried to make a comment to him "here comes Willie, oh yikes, looks like life's got him down." He looked like he wanted to slap her!

Willie seems like a generally mild mannered, easy to get along with 30-something kind of guy, but you can tell that he LOATHES Mika.

He rolls his eyes right back at her, especially when she cuts into the conversation to deliver the news. And can't she interrupt a little more delicately? It always seems like just as things get interesting, Mika starts reading the teleprompter and practically screams "okay moving on."

What's funny is that this became a WHOLE DIFFERENT SHOW when Savannah Guthrie and Willie Geist took over so Joe and Mika could be off for Christmas.

Willie and Savannah were great together! And she is the perfect combination of pretty, smart, and funny. I was actually surprised by her after months of dealing with Mika. She was joking with Willie about Chuck Todd's Hawaiian attire and they were excellent.

Mika looks like she's literally in that seat for the paycheck and because daddy paid her way. Even when she tries to make a point, she doesn't say anything that a F student in basic university government couldn't come up with.

If she stays, I'll just stop watching the show all together and move onto the new Chuck Todd/Savannah Guthrie show that's premiering soon.


I'm a female around Mika's age and I find her terribly annoying. I don't care who her daddy is, this woman is not professional enough to be on this program - she should be on The View. I'm tired of her preaching about the hell of junk food - she's so damn skinny, when they show her legs in pics going to and coming from commercial they hardly have any meat on them. She's practically anorexic. Someone else posted here that she always interrupts with a "Let's move on" tone and it's incredibly rude. I don't care if the producer is screaming in her ear to wrap everything up, it's Joe's show and he should actually run it.

Arrrgh! I want her GONE and replaced with a woman with half a brain or even another guy. What is her purpose other than being more hateful than Joe? Heck, I don't even hate Joe, I actually like him. However, I understand a lot of people don't like him and I think they had to bring someone like Mika in to make him more appealing. <snicker!> I love it when Joe messes with Mika, btw.


How is this show still on? Day after day, I tune in to see Joe sporting yet another hoodie. Did he not get the memo on business casual?

Mika arrives late sometimes which I've never seen in all my years of watching morning talk shows. I can't imagine Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, or Jane Pauley walking in during the 3rd segment. How does she still have a job? When she saunters in, she usually has on the same navy blue turtleneck with her girls hogging up more of the screen than Joe's ego.

I have to turn off the TV after about 5 minutes. I can't sit through 3 hours of Mika getting annoyed that Joe wants a donut for breakfast. Maybe it's time she went to work on Michelle Obama's obesity campaign instead.


I have never been compelled to write on a message board until Mika finally wore me down. I am posting in HOPES that she will read this and realize that her incessant preaching and holier than thou attitude are not cute, charming or even remotely interesting. Today her daughter was in the studio and she was whining about how the girls ordered Dominos, the horror! Oh and by the way, unless you are the worst parent on the planet, you knew they were ordering it and allowed them to do so. OH- and they also watched Jersey Shore... and they're 12! The interruptions and constant, mmm-hmmms drive everyone absolutely crazy and the fact that she thinks she is a serious journalist is absurd.

Replace her with Contessa. Someone who can actually banter without being an over the top snob. And eat a sandwich once in a while- it may make you a nicer person.


I like her....'nuff said


She's supposed to be the left wing counter to Joe, but she isn't nearly as intelligent. Not to say that Joe is a genius, but he looks a thousand times better when sitting next to her every day. Maybe that's why she was hired?

I can't stand her contributions since they mainly consist of "oh... hmm... umm.... hmm... yep..."


She doesn't come off as left wing or intelligent, she adds nothing to a conversation and just looks at people and around the room like she's annoyed.

I find her annoying.


She's an annoying arrogant bitch. Worst person on the show. The new promos they air that have her strutting around with two assistants trailing behind her makes her look like a total a-hole. She acts like this should be HER show. What a bitch.


Not to say that Joe is a genius, but he looks a thousand times better when sitting next to her every day. Maybe that's why she was hired?

I think you may have a point there. It reminds me of the situation with the now defunct Fox News Channel show Hannity and Colmes. I think they put Alan Colmes next to Hanity to make Hannity look better. Not intellectually better, just physically better.

In Mika's case, I think they wanted a lightweight to make Joe seem to have more gravitas. That's the only reason I can think of to have her on there, except maybe to provide a bit of eye candy and to have the show be somewhat more gender balanced. But there are intelligent, attractive women they could have used who would certainly be more articulate and less annoying. Maybe she's still there because her dad knows where some network skeletons are buried.

The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.–J.B. Haldane


the show is least they HAVE varied opinions unlike FOX News talking heads ALL IN LOCK STEP WITH THE RIGHT WING MESSAGE/LIES

MSNBC has the integrity to offer left, right, and independent views and guest on Morning Joe

Mika did well when Joe was out last week from sinus surgery..the sho is a bit easier to follow when Joe (who I like) is not on & all full of bluster and bravado.

I think Willie adds calmness too both.

ALSO I LOVE the new Promo...those that hate it or don't "get" it are not fans of the show...


I've been watching for almost a year now. I never could get into the Savannah Guthrie/Chuck Todd show that premiered. It comes on so late in the morning and I enjoy getting the earlier news from Mika and Joe. And I refused to watch Ann Curry ruin the Today show. So I've stuck with Mika and Joe for better or worse.

I've returned to comment today a changed person in many respects. What I've noticed over the last year is that Mika is actually quite good--in fact very, very good when Joe isn't around. She can string together sentences, make points, and get on relatively well with Mark Halperin, Willie, and Mike Barnacle. I've concluded that she's not the problem--it's something about Joe. He tends to talk everyone's ears off and you apparently have to shut up and take it. Strangely enough, Joe is actually better without Mika as well. He reads the news with no mistakes and I tend to enjoy the show more. The combination of these two is what's ruining everything.

I also wanted to return because I have to thank Mika for her help! I weighed 194 pounds last February. After watching Mika everyday, I started wondering if her organic, no cheeseburgers, no donuts ways would work in my own life. I went vegetarian, started running like she does, and went all the way down to 120 pounds. Thank you Mika!! Her recent commercials running in NY while Willie is out at clubs and Joe is sleeping have been inspirational in me keeping the weight off!


that is GREAT to hear...keep it up ( or should I say keep it OFF!)


Thanks!! It's still going well! I'm motivated by Mika wearing her mini dresses. lol.


she is an announcer and news reader, she is like Robin on the Howard Stern show
she should not be billed as a co-host. She is awful and that has nothing to do with my politics


I hate her and she is soo far to the left she turns my stomach..if
anyone praises the right just a bit she instantly hums and tries to
change the subject...


Thank God I'm not alone with what I think of Mika. I really thought it was just me noticing the f'ed up facial expressions she does and she adds nothing at all to the discussions. So annoying.


She is a sanctimonious, vain, and narcissistic fool whose self-absorption makes me want to vomit every time I see her trying to look at the camera so she can see herself in the monitor. I would not mind her half the time if her IQ were above room temperature so that she could occasionally make a cogent argument on a policy matter, rather than the pro-forma drivel that spews out of her whenever her insecurities compel her to say something to try to assert herself.



