Chip Coffey

Why are we letting Female to Male transexuals like this lecture families about their kids?

Would YOU let this shemale near YOUR family?

Who is this Queen in Drag?
Meet Sylvia Blackenbleu

"Well, rumor is that is the beloved Chip Coffey of A&E's Paranormal State. Now, we love a good diva... but I must repeat... a GOOD Diva. If this Queen is in fact him, we highly recommend that he stays clear from Pastel pinks, it's not very flattering! Having secret identities can be a lot of fun, but perhaps it's just another way to make a buck or two? I wonder if this person is a better psychic as "Sylvia" than in real life?
Making fun of Sylvia Brown when in reality, if it is in fact Chip Coffey is the male version of HER.
Scamming, overpriced and all out money hungry skink that preys on people's emotions so they can get PAID."


Yeah, this fruitbasket is absolutely hilarious! My girlfriend believes in all this mumbo jumbo so I always get stuck watching it with her. Long story short he and some of the Paranormal State a$$hats where at a weirdo paranormal convention here in OH not long ago. My G-friend dragged me to that and Chip N'Dale was there doing "Readings"....OOOOoooooohhhhh..

I haven't seen that much deep sea fishing since I went out with my cousin on his boat in FL. LOL. It was like something out of Houdini's show about how 'psychics' fool people. And the whole time he was swishing around like a Kansas City Fag__got. Wow. That's all I still have to say. But Chipper does have to keep bringing in the bucks so he can go on his little "vacations" to Puerto Rico and play with his young boys.

You should really check out the other new 'psychic' they have on PS. This wanna be nut job vampire lady. Check it out:

If That ain't enough to give you nightmares I don't know what will! If Chas. is the female to male, that thing is odiously the man to woman.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real.




That's Rudy G.


Chip I think you are great! The defaming things that have come out of you bloggers mouths are pure evil. The thing most people don't get is Chip and most of us intuitive people are coming out of our boxes that you people have tried to entrap us in for millenia. I would like to know what careers you are in to allow you to hate people so much. Sounds like you have a major case of Homophobia! WellI think Chip does a great job with the kids! Wait let me ask any of you have kids? Any of your kids have intuitive gifts? What a surprise another back seat driver trying to tell people how to restrain, teach gifted kids. I am a nurse, I worked in ER for years, you learn EVERYONE bleeds red, everyone comes into the earth the same way, thru a woman's womb. So all walks should be accepted and treated with the Golden Rule! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Hope you your flagrant mouth never steps into my ER. The first vulgar or defaming remark would leave you doing unto yourself the remarks your were so proud of. Just be prepared I am proud that more people are finally standing up and saying I really don't care what you think, this is me!! Like me or not!! If you don't like him, don't watch don't listen.
What a remarkable invention, there is a button on the T.V. just push off. I feel sorry for your girlfriend, hope you have told her how you feel about her ideas, and hobbies. Sounds like you won't last especially if you have this much pent up hatred for an interest she has. As I posted on my last blog, Jesus our father states" Let those of you without sin cast the first stone" Do you even know what that means, or let me guess you must be an atheist.

Glad I am blessed and compassionate, life is too short to hate or always to be serious!!!

