'Psychic kids' don't exist

This is a pretty obvious attempt to cash in on the popularity of psychics, ESP and all this other nonsense. Shame on A & E for even making this show. I don't believe these kids are psychic and I don't even believe they're suffering from any mental illness. I think they are either 1) paid actors who are just playing a part or 2) they're kids just trying to get more attention. Pure and simple.

"Now you grow up you baby!" - movielover35


Agreed. Use your brain people. It's better than some EMF meter.


I will say that psychic abilities are real because my family has them. But I am starting to believe this show is nothing more than a means to make money. While I do believe that SOME of these kids might have abilities, most of them do not and its not right trying to exploit them in the fashion they are being exploited.


Exploited gese anybody think maybe they just make the shoe to show everyone the emotional issues psychic kids have to deal with and how to better understand the abilitys of a psychic? Plus they do exsist I honorable admit they do cause I am one. I think what they do is good cause it is hard to find a fellow psychic friend and they bring them together.


I think this is an appalling show. Ignoring that these kids might (and most probably are) paid actors, it's unbelievable that these "parents" complain about not being able to take their ghost-seeing kids to a shrink or a doctor for the fear of having their kids taken away. The kids should be taken away from parents who sign up their children for crap like this.

These "gifts" can be explained away by scientific means. It's cruelty to children that these so-called parents would rather put their kids on tv under the guide of a self-illusioned "psychic" than treated by trained medical experts.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


It really cracks me up reading all these people "judging" shows and the children they are supposedly concerned about. Or should I say defaming their character. One, thing turn off the show don't watch it! Two, I was born like this and so were my kids and my mother, grandmother, and my medicine man great grandfather. Medical Experts can't help as a matter of fact, I am a medical nurse have been for 25 years, engaged to a Dr. Guess what? Most people are like you don't believe it, think your nuts. So most my life I kept it inside, only discussing with my mother and grandmother. Now that I have kids they started talking to my dead grandmother at 2. Mentioning her name directly when she was playing with an imaginary friend, "I heard on my baby monitor" That particular grandmother had been dead since 1932. People like the judging people on this blog, make "us freeks" or gifted or blessed or intuitive people not want to tell our stories. So for what it is worth, my children and I will be on psychic kids season 2. We have already been filmed at an undisclosed place in May 2009. I have M.S. now and my empathic son was ill from picking up on my sickness. Went to the pediatrician for 2.5 months had blood tests every 2 weeks and his blood counts were getting worse with iron and antibiotics. They were lower than my chemo patients. I reached out to psychic kids the year before because we finally found something that made us feel normal. They called in the middle of his sickness. Wanna talk about God working in mysterious ways? They bumped us up immediately, we were there in a month. They helped him get control of his empathy and had a psychic healer help him. I thank God for the help and the staff and directors were incredibly compassionate. I was at my wits end, my son was weakening everyday. He is now healthy and happy. So before you judge these poor children, you are the reason these poor children don't want to talk. The harsh words you speak about them and their parents. Be real careful, from my experience, you may be friends with several intuitive people and they just don't want to open up to you. I can promise you that noone I work with had a clue, or my school popular childrens friends either. But to be who we really are, we have to hide this God given blessing because of being shunned. As Jesus our father stated let those without sin cast the first stone!! Think before you judge! You may be hurting more than your small mind can handle.


It really cracks me up reading all these people "judging" shows and the children they are supposedly concerned about. Or should I say defaming their character. One, thing turn off the show don't watch it! Two, I was born like this and so were my kids and my mother, grandmother, and my medicine man great grandfather. Medical Experts can't help as a matter of fact, I am a medical nurse have been for 25 years, engaged to a Dr. Guess what? Most people are like you don't believe it, think your nuts. So most my life I kept it inside, only discussing with my mother and grandmother. Now that I have kids they started talking to my dead grandmother at 2. Mentioning her name directly when she was playing with an imaginary friend, "I heard on my baby monitor" That particular grandmother had been dead since 1932. People like the judging people on this blog, make "us freeks" or gifted or blessed or intuitive people not want to tell our stories. So for what it is worth, my children and I will be on psychic kids season 2. We have already been filmed at an undisclosed place in May 2009. I have M.S. now and my empathic son was ill from picking up on my sickness. Went to the pediatrician for 2.5 months had blood tests every 2 weeks and his blood counts were getting worse with iron and antibiotics. They were lower than my chemo patients. I reached out to psychic kids the year before because we finally found something that made us feel normal. They called in the middle of his sickness. Wanna talk about God working in mysterious ways? They bumped us up immediately, we were there in a month. They helped him get control of his empathy and had a psychic healer help him. I thank God for the help and the staff and directors were incredibly compassionate. I was at my wits end, my son was weakening everyday. He is now healthy and happy. So before you judge these poor children, you are the reason these poor children don't want to talk. The harsh words you speak about them and their parents. Be real careful, from my experience, you may be friends with several intuitive people and they just don't want to open up to you. I can promise you that noone I work with had a clue, or my school popular childrens friends either. But to be who we really are, we have to hide this God given blessing because of being shunned. As Jesus our father stated let those without sin cast the first stone!! Think before you judge! You may be hurting more than your small mind can handle.


I can't vouch for the kids on the show thmselves but I believe there really are psychics and people who can see spirits, as well as beyond what everyone else can "see". These things usually begin in childhood, and I have friends with psychic abilities who WERE haunted as children by frightening things similar to those the kids in the show talk again. Again, I don't know about all the kids in the show, but I do think ther eare REAL psychic kids in the world.


Psychics don't exist, neither do ghosts or spirits. Psychics and mediums are a bunch of charlatans who think they are too good and better than everyone else so they don't need to get real jobs working with society. If psychics are real and mediums are real then contact James Randi


He'll give you a million dollars. But you won't, because you know you're not "psychic"


Prove it.


James Randi is the proof


Science can only tell us there is currently no scientific evidence for the phenomena- not that it does not exist. That is a bridge too far.

Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/maleger

