Keep yer titters, missus

I don't know where to begin to describe how bad this show is. Firstly, Walliams fails, totally, in capturing the physical or psychological identity of Frankie Howerd. His retelling of Howerd's jokes fall simply flat - there are no laughs here. It was an enormous mistake to mimic Howerd's comedy routines (cleverly the other shows in the BBC's "Curse of Comedy" season have avoided actors trying to play the comedy routines of other comedians in the series). Instead we get a very bad rendition of "ooer missus" so fondly performed by inebriated wannabe impersonators the world over. Truly dreadful makeup only adds a dark topping to this lame fiasco.....
In not a single instance do we get any clue as to Frankie's true comic genius and the lame and, yes, grubby attempts to turn this into a gay closet-fest are risbible and moronic by turn. Lines like "do you like the look of my genetalia?" and "I can see you're not a natural blonde" simply beggar belief....
Even more reprehensible, is the author's attempt to turn this into a poignant love story. How any young man would fall for a bumbling, neurotic bewigged fool (as delineated in this show) is beyond belief....
Ironically if this had been a tad worse it might just have made it up there with the "cheesiest camp comedies" ever made, but, regretfully the attempts at pretension and seriousness make this woeful garbage fall even further on an awfully flat face.
If anyone has any doubts about Walliams abilities as a serious actor, this will answer the question once and for all. To tackle such a profound character and topic with all the ability and zeal as a bad Lilly Savage impersonator shows neither intelligence nor talent.
A truly risbible affair that surely will (I hope) be haunted by the ghost of the real Frankie Howererd until Hell freezes over. Titter I did NOT.


You are my hero ! I cannot believe how bad this show was. The steptoe one was ok. How can anyone believe that david walliams can do straight acting. Severe case of milking his success & dubious accliam of little britain. Frankie howerd was a personality. His charisma & delivery is what made him so popular. This could never be captured by this kind of so called expose'. I could not give a monkeys about what a sad syrup wearing tosser he was !


Dull, dull dull! This was easily the most disappointing of the curse of comedy series. The Steptoe and Hughie Green dramas were both very good (helped by some fantastic acting), the Hancock one was so-so but this was a real disappointment. Walliams tried but failed to capture Howerd, and the ending really was a damp squib. Rafe Spall did a decent job playing Haymer from the 1950's until circa 1990 but that was just not enough to make this interesting. What a missed opportunity!
