Only 4.1?

Im surprised at the low rating for this. I just rented this and was really impressed. The acting was very realistic, in general and well-scripted. The ensemble cast worked well together. The plot wasn't unique but as the original title suggests, it really could have happened anywhere in the US and in exactly the same way. The way the teens' attitudes changed from ignorant and intoxicated malevolence to sobering and fearful reality really made the movie work. Matt Leary was especially good as the lead character, Brandon as was the kid who played Mike. I think it deserves no less than a 6.5


Probably because there wasn't enough fire and explosions and car chases.

If you want to reply to the OP, please go back to the OP's message to Reply, thanks!


People are voting their politics rather than debating the merits of the film. Everything from the writing to the direction and the acting was performed at a level much higher than the budget of this film. This film is a solid 8.
