MovieChat Forums > Sint (2011) Discussion > Things I Learned by Watching the Movie S...

Things I Learned by Watching the Movie Sint ... ( WITH SPOILERS )

-- 1. That if you smell something " burning " nearby and you sense it's not an actual fire then it's already too late to check out what it is ( and the very last time too ) .
-- 2. If you see a dressed up man riding a white horse on the rooves of buildings in town then you know that's not right .
-- 3. That this particular story about " Sinterklaas " was definitely not a friendly one .


4) When people complain Zwarte Piet is racist, tell them that's nonsense! He is black because he was burned to death!


5. In 2010 and after, most of the Sinterklaas surprise gifts were apparently dildos!
6. You can rush off on a scooter even if the floor is full of snow.
7. Sinterklaas is a 'bedenksel van de commercie'.
8. Snow in The Netherlands only falls quite local. It doesn't even reach the roofs of the houses in the background.

"Objects in rear-view mirror are closer than they might appear" (Jurassic Park - 1993)
