Abby Hoffman?!

That's a joke, right? Or are the writers of this garbage too young and dumb to know who the real Abbie Hoffman was? That's like naming a teacher Abraham Lincoln....then again, given the knowledge level people have of history, many probably don't know who that is, either!


My friend caught it, and once she said it out loud, I got it. However, we're both history majors.

I was wondering if kids would understand the importance of being on a Wheaties box, as it isn't quite advertised like it was in the 80s and 90s.


Of course the kids watching it now aren't going to get it. It's an example of a "throw-away joke" that writers (who I am sure know who the real Abbie Hoffman was, hence the humor) like to sneak into their projects. Usually, these jokes are snuck-in because they're either inside jokes that only the people who worked on the project would get (IE: animators sneaking in a "Drink Friz Cola" advert on the walls in Merry Melodies cartoons in reference to producer Friz Freleng) or jokes that the parent's of the children who are forced to watch will have as laugh to themselves (IE: Naming the principle of a middle school after one of the co-founders of the Youth International Party.)

Do I want to enslave the human race? A little.
