Fun Show!!

I was flipping through the channels the the other night and I saw this show so I stayed on it. I suprising liked it! I wish it would be on HBO with less sex because I loved the characters and story line and believe it would make a great series. The characters Emmanuelle and Cooper were good and they were introducing Guillermo to the cast and he is a good looking dude and adds a good mix of humor and affection. The other comments said the acting was alright, but I thought they were great!! Kudos



Well I have to disagree with the reality, because if it's reality there wouldn't be character names. I want less sex because if it were put on HBO to be more of a "Van Wilder"/"Amercian Pie" genre then there would have to be more dialogue. I love the show now I just wish there was more dialogue and less sex, because I really like characters like Guillermo, Cooper, Emmanuelle etc.



I'm still adjusting to the change in characters, anyways, it's more a porn mix with a decent story line. The comedy mix of it is really a positive plus.


I agree obviously it's a comedy plus softcore mix, but more for the girls. Alot of the guys have decent resumes though and since they don't show much at all for the guys that's ok.


I'm surprised by this show. It's the porn equivalent of "Tell Me You Love Me". But both these shows focus on plot which just happens to revolve around sex. Of course, "Tell Me You Love Me" is a legit show while this show will always be known as a skinmax show... But seriously, Co-Ed is raising the bar and I like that.


The acting in the show is very legit though, and I wouldn't really call it porn. If you want porn go to Playboy TV. The best your going to get in the show is a few short risky sex scenes per episonde that show topless girls and nothing else. I've seen more in Waiting and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and it's definitely less risky then the other Cinemax shows. But I love the dialogue and it keeps me watching. Definitely a step up from last season overall. Great cast and love to watch for the actual show not the sex as much.


I have to disagree on the less risky part. There's lots of full frontal female nudity, some shots showing the labia. There's also a few shots, not many, where the male organ slips into frame. There's definitely more nudity on this show than in those two films. This show is definitely softcore porn.

I will agree with you that's it is MUCH better written than other Cinemax shows. It is genuinely funny instead of funny at making fun of itself. That makes all the difference.


Yea well they show full frontal in sarah marshall three times and it's not a slip


Grasping for straws, dude.


(Off Episode 6)

I'm officially on Leah Livingston's side. Personally, I think Larry is an insult to nerds everywhere, but I am a sucker for unrequited love. Plus, she's a much better actress than Daisy Marie.

Looks like trouble has finally begun for Emmanuele and Karen; we all knew it was coming.

Ophelia is winning my least favorite character award this season. Maybe she'll come around in the second half of the season.

This show is getting epic... Well, for a Skinmax show I found randomly back on episode 3. But darned if I've missed an episode yet. I can't believe this has turned into my "can't miss summer show". :[


Good call! This totally is like "Tell Me You Love Me!" I love that show, too, and like a previous poster said, I also wish there was less sex and more dialogue. I usually fast forward through the sex scenes just b/c it gets to be a bit much. I love following the characters and the storyline. The acting from some people could be better, but overall I love this show. So glad we recently got Skinimax again!!


Dude, "Tell Me You Love Me" didn't get picked up for a second season!!! WTF!?!?

At least this show is in its second season.

(Off episode 7)

What a twist! While I kinda figured Emmanuelle wasn't completely who she claimed to be, I did like the whole scene with her and Cooper over the photo album. At first I thought the twist was a bit cliche, but then she started talking about her friends and not being poor enough for financial aid (same boat I was in) and I was totally won over to what she did. Score one for believable motivations. I mean, usually these Cinemax shows use the thinnest thread of sense to justify their actions, but this show cares enough to give a decent thoughtful reason. Not saying it's Shakespeare, but I'm so glad to see a show like this taking pride in itself.

As much as I've hated Ophelia this season, I did like seeing James finally get what he wanted (and without breaking the Guy Code).

But Karen's husband? Really? This is like when Chloe had an ex-husband on "24"! Ah well, new bodies, right?


I kind of figured the twist out from the promos from the last episode and from watching her interview on on-demand. And I second your comment on this being a step up. I've said it in other places, but this is quite possibly the first softcore TV show that is a show first and a porn second. It's quite interesting and a little refreshing (and this coming from someone who might describe himself as a porn addict on a bad day). The other interesting thing that has been brought up is that while most of the women on the show have hardcore backgrounds (Leah Livingston, Daisy Marie, Hannah Harper, and Michelle Maylene of just the regulars this season, and the majority of the guest stars on both seasons), most of the guys don't. I have to wonder what the reception is to this show in the hardcore porn community.

You can't play a playa, but you can always play along.


Your right most of the guys are real actors and pursuing a career. There sex scenes are harmless to them and it gives them a good credit. There all pretty good actors as well. P.S. Maybe you can have guillermo come back next season w/o the accent!! cuz I like him


(Off episode 8)

I think this is my favorite episode so far. Lots of good scenes.

James and Ophelia
They're kept to a minimum this episode (secret shout: yay!). Their little subplot is stalling them, but whatever. They did have a hot shower scene to start the episode so that was nice.

I started the season hating Larry. I think he looks too good to be the "nerd" and he's overly stupid at times. And perhaps as a film school graduate I felt like I could relate to him the most. :/ However, I've come to love Larry and his misadventures, especially with Leah (Ciara). Leah's storyline is so cliche... but I love that kind of gooey "Whatever it Takes" hopeless romantic stuff. *shame* Leah's outstanding on the show and she's so much better than Sophie. The whole Cyrano DeBergerac ripoff was awesome IMO. Looks like her and Larry are FINALLY going to hook up. ^_^

Emmanuelle - Karen - Cooper
Talk about a good episode for Emmanuelle in terms of love scenes! The first with Karen was one I really wished they could skip the sex and go straight into talking. The anticipation of the reveal is killing me. The three way was also one of those fantasy fulfillment for the audience (not that I'm complaining). But part of me dislikes how fast Emmanuelle-- or Emily... hooked up with the new guy (Guillermo?). Kind of a slutty move to make after the three way IMO. I knew her and Karen wouldn't last... but I know I'm going to hate this transition period. They were so cute together. :'(


(Off Episode 9 - Splitsville)

Wow, this episode had some TERRIBLE ADR!!! Namely the mother's line getting up just before she was tricked into signing the divorce papers. And then James and Ophelia's shower scene, which I can least understand.

Of course, who else watches this show for the technical aspects?

Speaking of which:

Larry FINALLY hooked up with Ciara = Yay. Although watching that "love" scene felt kinda wrong just cause I keep seeing Ciara as this sweet girl (granted, I know in real life she's a porn star). However, Sophia showing up felt kinda forced and her jokes really fell flat.

James and Ophelia again did little this episode, but I did love the "Destiny has a nice rack" line. And I adored the ending... But there's still 3 episodes left. Will these character go into the sunset? Or end in misery and we'll see one of them (my bet - James) next season?

I really wasn't looking forward to Karen finding out the truth. And it was sad when it happened, but the show avoided all the painful drama and her really feeling betrayed from someone she loved again and replaced it with: she can forgive them because of sex. That's such a porn solution. One reason I dig this show is they make their sexual situations a bit more believe than other flesh films out there. This however was a poor end to their relationship (then again, I was really cheering for them, so I might be bias).

Anyway, it was great to see the cast all getting lucky and I do like that parent couple. The father has a really cool voice and I just saw him on BSE.


And the episode nerd returns... *crickets* Maybe I should be posting these on Oh well.

I missed episode 10 the night it aired and had to catch it later:

=== Episode 10 (Forget To Remember) ===

It might just be me, but I feel the show falling into a slump. The season started out with A LOT of energy. James was fighting the dean and Royce and while the Royce/James battle probably over stayed its welcome a bit, I did think the initial threat to James was good. It kept the stakes high and me invested. But, now James has gotten what he wants. Suddenly this character who was like the Jeremy Piven character (ala PCU) is just laying around banging Ophelia. While I realize this is a softcore show, what grabbed my attention about it was that it was putting story before the sex. However, the show seems to have peaked and is now slouching to the finish line. At least the previous episode brought back the stakes with the parents' divorce and whether the house will be kept or not.

James and Ophelia
The stars of the show don't really feel like they're doing anything anymore. Remember that fourth season episode of "Buffy" where Buffy and Riley just screwed the whole episode and the Scooby gang fought a child abuser and their ghost children? No? Everyone hated that episode, because all it was was Buffy screwing for an hour! I realize hot couples always have the non-stop sex marathons, but this was pushing it.

House sitting
While the plot of house sitting seemed contrived it did break things up a bit and get us in a new location. Karen and Cooper are still a couple I'm lukewarm to. Guillermo and Emily feel a bit too predictable. I hope there's a bigger twist than Emily goes with Guillermo at the end of the season. The only redeeming part of this storyline was the "downer" ending of Guillermo announcing his inevitable departure and the final scene riding in the car with Emily. Although, the way it was edited, it kind of looked like he was leaving in that episode (passing by LAX will do that) despite that he said it wasn't for a bit longer. This ending had weight to it. I felt a little sad... sad watching a comedy sex show. Congrats, Co-ed Confidential you win this round.

Larry and Ciara
I'm sure that some people hate Larry, but again, he's grown on me. I did dig his material in the episode. And I especially loved the mix up with Ciara answering her door and the guy in the room; that keeps things stalled but interesting. Larry's storyline this week was an actual complete arc in that: he started out ignorant, saw the truth, recognized the gravity of his mistake, and then doesn't get the girl in the end because he was a jerk. Good.

I should also mention this is the first episode this season to have an additional scene after the credits. This last bonus with James and Ophelia was a great note to go out on, especially considering the kind of depressing end. I kind of wish all the episodes had a final scene for after the credits, but this was a good "secret".

Okay, so "Forget To Remember" was kind of a letdown, how about this week's episode?

=== Episode 11 (Bachelor Party) ===

Of course you have to do a Bachelor Party episode! I was worried at first that this would disappoint like the previous episode, but thankfully it didn't. Again, there's not much story progression, but I do applaud the different take on the Bachelor Party episode, but more importantly: THIS EPISODE BROUGHT BACK THE FUNNY! The early episodes this season managed to get me to chuckle quite a bit, but lately the jokes just aren't tickling my funny bone. This episode brought back the funny one liners (especially from Emily) and situations.

The Guys
I try to forget the previews for the next episode, because they spoil some surprises. One image I couldn't forget were those biker chicks the guys run into. While I thought that would ruin it for me, the build up to the reveal was twice as rewarding because I did know. I'm glad the guys actually did a fairly sweet thing by going to crash the girls' party. While their reasons might have been selfish, I'll pretend it was out of love.

The Girls
Heck, I'm a guy and seeing the main females having to strip is one of those fantasies only a show like this can deliver. In this case, I applaud the contrivances. I especially loved how badly they acted on stage (especially when I know Hannah Harper is quite talented on a pole). Olivia Alaina May was simply hysterical trying to get out of the bachelorette party. Michelle Maylene is still in her element and is so natural in every one of her scenes; if the show comes back for a third season Karen better come back.

Larry and Ciara
All we needed to see was Larry and Ciara to finally get together (again technically) and we got it. Yay!

OMG! Royce returned! I pray that he is going come back full force and swinging. This show needs conflict desperately and right now he seems like the only person who can create an intense season finale. I'm a little disappointed to see him drinking himself half to death, but maybe seeing Ophelia again will get him to turn around.

Overall, I did dig the episode even if the story didn't really progress any again. But next week is looking really weird... and that makes me all kinds of excited. May this season end STRONG!!!

So, predictions?

James and Ophelia will end up getting married and possibly leave the show.
Karen and Cooper may hook up, but only Karen returns next season
Obviously, Emily is going to drop out of school and go with Guillermo.
I don't see Larry returning next season, but I would hope the writers would humor the idea of keeping Leah Livingston on board. She is incredibly natural and charming in her role. If she had more to do, I could see her carrying the responsibility of a regular player.


You should post on both. I'm actually the person that posted the few full synopsis that are up from last season on

A few things:

I don't see the show getting rid of James and Ophelia, even if they do get married (which I think they will). They'll just come back as a married couple watching over Karen and a new group of friends. Karen will be back. And that's probably it, if for no other reason that if you know your softcore history, it's really rare for anyone who isn't normally a hardcore or softcore actor to do this more than once (the only one I can think of from the past few years is Micah Miller/Divini Rae from HE:Cabo and Erotic Traveler). What I'm left wondering is whether or not they'll get hardcore actors to replace the other three/four. It would be really interesting to see if they could carry this out the full 4 seasons.

You can't play a playa, but you can always play along.


The way I look at it, the show's second season has been better than "Felicity's" second season and she went all four years. Of course, that was completely different. =P

After last night's episode (Cold Feet) I can see keeping James around. He fell right back into the character I liked in the first place. He felt like the real star of the show again. But if he and Ophelia do get married, can they really be swingers? Part of me is just against that, but it would appear to be the only way it would work. Then again... they might not tie the knot after all.

Anyway, last night's thoughts: Despite the lack of cast and it was obviously an episode to stall things, I thought they pulled it off great. It was funny, well written, and even touching. James, as I said, went right back into "James Mode". While it was kind of a clip show episode, I ended up feeling that James needed the episode to reflect before moving forward. It definitely set the show back on track -- for the finale. :(


honestly enjoyed the season entirely, not sure how far they carrying the series with a spring break part 3? and not juniors...

Wrap ups, it's still well written and a great laugh, I do have to admit the chemistry between James and the Dean is one of the best I've seen in a long time.
I'm amazed there is so many fans of it thought, I remember when I wrote the original review I was nervous about writing it because nobody seemed to know anything about the show.


I know one of the actors on season 3... you guys are gonna love it!


My only question is are they bringing any of the non-porn actors back? They wrote it in a way that all of them (Guillermo, Emily, Larry, and Cooper) could all not come back next season and it wouldn't be hard to explain.

You can't play a playa, but you can always play along.

