The ending SPOILERS

The Jojo Rabbit kid did open his he still in there or is he a mindless zombie? If not, damn...if he sees his family...


I think the idea is that he's fine, but who knows.


He didn't take the pill so he survived. This film is clearly pushing an agenda.


According to the writer and director the film is not trying to push the agenda you think.

"Silent Night was always supposed to challenge the values of the privileged classes. I wanted to focus on those that have the status and ability to make changes yet don’t. The fictional EXIT pill (inspired by Brexit) is issued by the government to avoid suffering. Suffering is what happens to people when governments avoid taking responsibility."

"I haven’t made an anti-vax film, let me put that straight out there. Of course the film isn’t questioning the authenticity of science that undebatable. But yes I have made a film that challenges trust in government.

We didn’t know the film might be misinterpreted. We never tested the film. We never had an audience reaction to refer to in post. The vaccine wasn’t out in the world. My only reference to COVID during the edit was Trump and Boris making a total hash of everything."

