Special Edition DVD

First off, in the name of full disclosure, I want to make sure anyone
reading knows I am member of the crew from the film, and am not
providing a review of the feature itself as that would obviously be
biased and unfair. I am however okay with the idea of reviewing the
packaging and presentation on the Special Edition DVD itself which I
feel is amongst the better DVD packages I have seen out there,
especially for an indie flick. This is only gonna play to people who
are already fans, as the price tag of 40 bucks is a little steep for a
DVD, but if you are a fan of packaging like I am, you will genuinely
appreciate the collection. Amazing artwork throughout, along with the
mortician's envelope of faux crime scene photos (with more of the blood
and boobs that make the movie itself fun),a poster of the standard DVD
cover, a 2nd disk with additional features and a message from the
director. Its a rarity to find such a well conceived package for a
independent film.

I apologize for the sales pitchy nature of this, its not intended that
way, I was just very pleased with how well put together everything in
this edition was, and since its not available on amazon (the SE is only
available direct from www.Bloodnightmovie.com) I didn't know where else
I could post a product review.

If you do like the film, I would suggest picking this version up, sure
there's no sexy naked lady on the cover like the standard edition, but
its so much cooler :)


Is the spec ed standard dvd format or dvd-r like the amazon units, which are pressed on demand? I ask because the copy I received from amazon has some probs, namely occasional pixelization, distortion, outlining, and bad color-rendering. I thought it was just my copy but another poster on this message board mentioned it as well.

- Cinemaparadiso25


I can't say, but the spec ed is a much more direct purchase that the standard as it doesn't go through amazon or the on demand pressing. If you go to the main Blood Night site and follow through to their facebook or myspace etc, i'm sure you could ask that question. My copy was fine, but you are right amazon presses the movie on demand, so their may be issues from copy to copy. It might be something you want to contact Amazon directly about as well. Hope it works out for you!


Can you still buy this? I went on the site but couldn't see where to order.


I found a direct link: http://www.bloodnightmovie.com/buy/index.htm.

However, I'm a bit skeptical because I haven't received a response from the e-mail I sent to them a few weeks ago. They haven't updated any of their websites (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) in quite some time either.


After not receiving a reply to two e-mails to them, I decided I'd try to order it. No dice. Instead, their payment processor responded with something to the effect of "no bank data on file." As a result, I assume that they're no longer using the payment processor.

The regular DVD is no longer for sale on Amazon. And someone just submitted an auction on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $250. And this is for a DVD-R. Wow. I pity whoever pays that much for this. I'll likely pick up the R2 DVD for £6.99 from Amazon.co.uk.


It's possible they only had a limited distribution run. I got the Special Edition when it came out. Yes, it was great. I did notice a couple of very tiny problems with the disc (which was an original press, not a DVDR), but it was probably just because it was an indie film without a huge budget for remastering. Some minor sound problems, a couple of scenes with grain and ghosting, but it may have been the editing choice. Not really sure there. Anywho, I recently saw that the Blu-Ray is being offered on Amazon and Amazon.ca so I went back to the main movie site to compare prices and check for special features. Didn't want to buy a bare-bones just for a better picture. There's no more link for buying any version on the main movie site that I could find. I think maybe some distribution rights may have switched hands or something like that.

Nan Flanagan: I have proof. Scientific. People are far dumber than they realize. (True Blood).
