Awful movie... (spoilers)

Alyssa being the killer was obvious from the beginning because:
1) They didn't show who was killing people at first, hence it isn't the ghost of's somebody else
2) She got up to go to the bathroom and came back after everyone died
3) When that one guy went to the basement to look for her and that guy, it didn't show her body(or her "death" before that), which made it really obvious

I caught on at #1.

Also, the deaths were really cheesy and stupid. The gore wasn't necessary and made it look even more cheap. The characters were morons. "Oh hey, everybody's dead and we got a ride...let's not go to the's go to a mental asylum!"


I knew Danielle Harris was the killer because she was hardly shown in the movie and gets top billing in the cast.

"What world are you living in? I don't need friends. I need fans."



