MovieChat Forums > Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet (2009) Discussion > I don't get the buzz about this movie......

I don't get the buzz about this movie...(SPOILER INSIDE)

oK, you have been warned, SPOILER, now twice...

I got to see this cause everyone was buzzing about it. I also try to get movies with my favorite b actress. Well girls you can recognize there face from elsewhere.

Now i got to say, this movie have GEORGOUS girls in it. The 2 chicks Nicole and Jen are just super hot, the blond one is not bad either, the sexy scene are... SEXY AS HELL.

The whole premise of the story is really nice, and i tought from the start this could be another "Night of the living dead" type of movie, exept you replace halloween by Blood Night....

But there is a huge problem with this movie, the deaths and the gore... wich in an horror movie... is really a big problem. I don't know what they where thinking... If you don't have the budget, then get softer deaths, or try to make it looks funny like in Hatchet or NOTD... It seems to me this movie took itself seriously, but the death scenes seems so fake... I enjoyed the plot and all, but everytime somebody died i was like... DUH??? LOL

Then one of the most hillarious(in a bad way) scene of the movie is that you get that 5 foot little girl with a pick axe and a couple "somewhat" huge guys and a couple girls just scream and start running... MAN... cmon, your seven... yet you can't take down a girl with a pick axe... She don't have a chainsaw... ONLY A PICK AXE.

Well i guess you gotta take this movie for what it is, a cheap B slasher movie, and i got to say i saw worst than this, and the atmosphere and places where nice, i just wish the story would make a bit more sense, like explaining why Mary got crazy and why her daughter was the same especially since they never saw each other... and also that the death scenes would be better done... its one thing to show a tons of gore and doing it properly.
