Why only swords?

Seems stupid considering when they make death blows, it needs to be slow in order for it to pass through the personal shields or strong enough penetrate it. Why not use guns of sort? They clearly have the tech to make lasers that eviscerate any wall or ship. Could've just fired from afar and cut everyone in half. Personal shields were also near useless against penetrating bolts which killed Leto Atreides and nearly Duncan Idaho were it not for the deflection. Just seems so silly when you look at it.


It's not explained in the movie very well. And the fights are not up to the task.



Shields can be calibrated to permit the passage of matter below given speeds. This is vital in personal defense shields, as one would suffocate within a shield that did not admit atmospheric gasses. Depending on the shield's setting, the object's speed while passing through the shield would range from six to nine centimeters per second. A shield could also be set to cover either the left or right side of a person if the specific need for it arose.

Shields used to protect installations can and usually do have far lower penetration velocities, as life support technologies can be used to recycle atmosphere while the shield is active.

However, if a lasgun beam hit a Holtzman field, it would result in sub-atomic fusion and a nuclear explosion. The center of this blast was determined by random chance; sometimes it would originate within the shield, sometimes within the laser weapon, sometimes both.

Hohoho, good info. Well that answers the use of lasgun beams willy nilly. 6-9 cm per second seems pretty fast to me considering the shield cover is at most 5 cm from the body. Barely enough time to do anything. Shield seems to be only good for hostile environments on a foreign planet and not combat itself. Maybe one could train in holding breath long then use the shield to allow no matter to pass through then wipe everyone out? Is the shield adjustable on-the-fly as well while it's on?


"6-9 cm per second seems pretty fast to me considering the shield cover is at most 5 cm from the body"

You're looking it in the wrong way. The shield stops high velocity objects from penetrating it, most likely in the first microns or millimeters. Not that it allows penetration and then somehow slows the weapon in the 5 cm.

Shields would be perfect to stop, deflect any projectile and even blades. To penetrate it you need to have knowledge and training.


>However, if a lasgun beam hit a Holtzman field, it would result in sub-atomic fusion and a nuclear explosion. The center of this blast was determined by random chance; sometimes it would originate within the shield, sometimes within the laser weapon, sometimes both.

I know i shouldnt expect much from a fantasy movie.... but thats not how any of this works. You dont have a blast happen in a laser weapon because the end of the laser beam hit something that causes the reaction. Lasers are one-way. Nothing comes back to the laser gun.


My question is, why in the movie they try to hit Duncan's orni with a laser, when it was abundantly clear it had a shield.


Kamikaze move?

I don't remember the exact context.


when he wscapes the attack on the castle, he steals an orni, launches some missiles and gets hit by something. that moment you see it has shields. then a laser chases him.


Yeah, it was clearly a lasgun bean from a Harkonnen ship be it one of the heighliners or amphibious transport. If that made contact with the shields there would've been a random nuke explosion along the beam. Seems crazy they'd have a weapon like this when shields are an easy counter to it. D:


A ships laser is strong enough to cut through tons of concrete, it would vaporize personal shield on the spot.


We are not using physics here, we are using Frank Herbert's logic. By his logic, any type of laser against any type of shield would generate a nuclear explosion at a random point between the source and the target. Therefore my question : why risk using lasers when they had a clear advantage in both numbers and element of surprise. Specifically, why use lasers against an orni that was proven just moments before to have shields on.


by his logic, noone would ever use shields because of the danger it possesses unless they are suicide bombers.


Probably because nutty Leftists don't believe in the Second Amendment.
