Why not use the real title?

The name of the movie is "Milagro en los Andes"


Maybe they couldn't use that title in English because it is the title of a book about the Andes episode by survivor Nando Parrado.

Gonzalo Arijon, the director, says he chose the title "Stranded: I come from a plane" (etc) deliberately to reflect the first words exchanged between the survivors (in this case, Parrado via the note he threw across the river to the shepherd who rescued them). I think the interview is on YouTube. There's another good interview with Arijon (the transcript of the interview, anyway) here:

The interviews with some of the survivors are interesting, too.

You can order the DVD from this site. It will be available in the USA in a couple of months but I got it here.




It's available from arteboutique, see

The price tag isn't indicated here but it would be around 20 euro, add shipping (judging from other sites on the web where the same edition is on sale). French speaker audio but it says English and German audio are also available - I suppose that means alternate sound tracks on the same disc as normal.

After the revolution everything will be different. Your password is 'Giliap'!


lol,I just saw it on youtube:P


Why not tell the real story? I just got this, only to find before watching that YET AGAIN, the importance of the cannibalism is brushed aside. Has anyone ever read the book 'Alive!'???? It's pretty damn clear. Once the decision was made, the process was an all consuming, and always dividing, force in their daily functions.

But no....if they were to make a film incorporating ALL of what went on, they'd call it 'exploitation'. How about : No, it's just the truth and shows even more how bad things were on that mountain.

EDIT: After watching it was worse than I presumed. They lived in "peace and harmony"??? Umm...no. I gave it a 5/10 just for the survivors once again having to rehash this story, but some blatant changing of events and leaving out many is just not an 'accurate' documentary.

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


Were you not watching closely? They described how those who couldn't move around much were tasked with scraping the bones to get the powder for them to eat. No, they didn't describe in brutal detail about it, but have some compassion. It's not easy for them, nor the families of the dead.

I think the importance was very much featured. How it divided them, how they all eventually came to eat, or died.

I clearly felt how bad things were on the mountain. You could tell from the tone of their voice and the way they described it (which did not always fully come through in the english translation, IMO)

And who are you to say that the survivors themselves are not portraying things accurately?


Actually, the Spanish original title is "La sociedad de la nieve" and not "Milagro en los Andes"


pbs always does this.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"
