
1) They give these people useless titles. If you are the "Ideas" guy then you should be coming up with all the theories. If you are the "Designer" then you should be the one in control of that expensive projection system they have set up. If you are the "Engineer" you should be ENGINEERING the project. The "Scientist" should be crunching numbers and finding exactly how much of a certain thing they need. It seems that every episode they split into 2 teams and don't do what their titles say. The scientist is the worst of all. I've never seen her doing something scientific in the life of the show. Clearly the show has a huge budget because they can afford to find out how much air to pump into sand by trial and error. The scientist should have told them exactly how much. On Mythbusters there is not that much guess work. Normally they have a rough idea of how much to use or do a couple of tests and then use math and science to determine the right amount. The "Titles" need to go.

2) The number of experiments left unfinished. I swear if I have see them fail to do an experiment full scale after using prototypes then I very well could reach through the TV and strangle them. If your job is paying you to find a solution to something you get paid to SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Not come up with a prototype and then fail to produce an end product. Perhaps some of the money for this show should be used to finish experiments. Mythbusters does a whole lot of testing off camera. That is what needs to happen here. Cut some of the useless scenes like when the "team" is standing around that expensive projector system and instead show us a viable solution.

3) Safety. After watching the episode about the truck bed liner I kind of felt that I wanted a solution. Not the "O well the building isn't safe so we can't go in and give you a real answer". Then the rockets episode. Who ever the guy is that set up those rockets needs to be shot. Rockets just don't ignite automatically. While watching it I got the strange feeling that it was scripted. It just so happened that here they would not let anyone close but on the other tests with rockets they had everybody standing around. Also, if I remember correctly the team carried the rockets in to the launch area in the first rocket launch (the one straight up where they got their concept from). Why could they not handle these. Also, as I watched it I noticed that the people started running slightly before the rockets ignited. Now tell me that they didn't know the rockets were going to malfunction. And how did the rocket expert not get even slightly burned. I understand that he jumped in the car but there are 2 issues with that. First, if he jumped in the car after the rockets went off he would be at least singed. They stressed that the rockets were 2000 degrees but somehow he was standing right next to the flame and didn't get burned. Kind of suspicious. Second, he never pulled the doors closed on the car. The car is made of metal so its going to keep heat in side of it (Think of when you leave your car in the sun on a summer day and it is warm inside when you get in). So you expect me to believe that the inside of the car was cool enough that he didn't get burned, outside the car was cool enough he didn't get burned yet the flame from the rockets is 2000 degrees. Something doesn't add up here. Perhaps the "Scientist" on the show could CRUNCH SOME NUMBERS and tell us exactly how far away you had to be to not feel the effects of the heat.

O well. Another show by Discovery that does not live up to expectations.

