MovieChat Forums > Smash Lab (2007) Discussion > Already stated but I can't help it.

Already stated but I can't help it.

The tag line should be "creating convoluted and ineffective solutions to problems previously solved by much smarter people." You can tell these people have no experience in any of the fields they test. On the locomotive car bumper no matter what soft material you use and speed you are going if you hit a car with 250,000 lbs it's going to cause serious damage. Just like a 250lbs linebacker hitting a toddler. People are killed by car air bags by sitting too close (hence depowered air bags). The use of weak mix concrete to slow out of control vehicles was another demonstration in stupidity. Let’s slow a car by driving it over what is essentially a bad road. Heck where I live the roads are worse then the ones they built for testing. A long time ago someone a lot smarter figured out that rather then using rockets or junky roads a simple inclined plane, and gravity would get the job done. If that didn't work a bed of loose gravel would create better inertia killing friction than weak concrete. Also the US Coast Guard has been conducting life raft drops and air/sea rescues utilizing helicopters, wenches, and baskets for a while now. I just can't get over how these people think they can improve time tested well planned and successful solutions with half assed contraptions. Furthermore Deanne Bell isn't a scientist according to her online resume she has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. I have a B.A. in Political Science does that make me an Emperor? She worked for Raytheon who made radars for a few of the cargo ships I worked on. After watching her engineering skills I am sincerely surprised the ships I have sailed on equipped with Raytheon radars never econo-rammed another ship. Also what genius of writing came up with the title "The Ideas Guy" for one of the male cast members? Gee that sounds professional. Also 40 years olds should never sport "fohawks", check that, no one should have a fohawk! These guys seriously need to either spend a day talking to the thousands of people with less education then them that came up with feasible, working, solutions long ago to the “problems” smash lab attempts to solve.


I agree entirely about each and every thing you just said. I mean, I'm 15 and I can do WAY better than these people. And by the way, why would you need an 'Ideas Guy' and a "Designer"? (I double quoted desinger cause that guy is more obviously an idiot than anyone else on the show (he says "RPM's", that's almost the definition of redundancy!))

"Show me a jogger and I'll show you a strange person with a thing for pain." -Garfield


Whoa, whoa, whoa. The Coast Guard has "wenches"? I've got to get into air/sea rescue!
