after watching an episode, reading the reviews and the comments on this show there seems to be an interesting thing going on. everyone dislikes this show. for once, everyone is in agreement on IMDB, that this show should be no more. the only 'good' thing i've read is along the lines of "i like the explosions..."

i would like to ask what seems to be on everyone's minds... why, dear god why, is this show not canceled yet?


What i don't understand is, why are people demanding this show be canceled? I dislike this show as much as everyone else, but to DEMAND it get canceled is a bit control-freak-ish don't you think?

The show will go away on it's own if no one watches it, that's how we cast our votes, not posting on some message board.

"Ahh the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and children are cops!"


i'm not demanding that this show be canceled. just wondering why it hasn't been canceled yet with so many aweful reviews, comments, etc. i would think that someone at discovery channel would inform the higher-ups of viewer feed back (aka messageboards, reviews, etc) and either make the show better or cancel it, opening up a time slot to try something different.

and message boards are expressly for the purpose of posting one's opinion, good or bad. the internet has given everyone a voice, and everyone likes to complain...



I could be watching Mayday instead of this crap!


I don't think smash lab's been shown in the UK yet, but I download it to watch each week because there hasnt been a new mythbusters episode for ages now.

The editing errors, forced enthusiasm and obviously scripted dialogue really irritate me - and as for the "disasers" e.g. boat breaking down, rockets firing early etc. you can pretty much guarantee that when they start saying they have just 1 hour to pull something off before nightfall, some "accident" will happen to give them an extra 5 minutes of filler material to help turn their half hour show into an hour.
