Renewed says it's picked for 2008-09 season.



It is in the discovery channel website. If you bother reading the link in the OP, you'd see it. t_040808.html Most info in the wiki are backed by another link. You just have to find it.


Why is this renewed when Weapons Master, a much much better show and something slightly unique, only aired one solitary episode?

It's simple. God hates us.


I don't get it, this show SUCKS and it gets renewed. The critics panned it. There's NO fan base, almost every comment about the show's negative...

How the hell did this get renewed?!


The first two episodes of the new season are available on

Even though I hate this show, I still watch it just to see how stupid it is. What can I say, It's my mst3k fix these days.

First impressions, they got rid of two cast members and brought in 2 new guys. At least one of these new doods has an awful combover just like the guy he replaced.

The narrator is new too, and he sounds bored and unamused. Just like me.

I'm pleased that the standards are still the same and Deane is still fabricating crap that falls apart. The fact that the one impact sensor fell out of a car they were crashing should give you a sense of their ineptitude. Let me be clear, Deane puts ONE impact sensor in a car that's being tossed off a hill. In mythbusters, they always install multiple ones. She puts it in the trunk. When the car hits front first. Then it falls out of the trunk after the fifth or sixth roll. She's like, oh yeah so our data's gonna be a bit off I guess. DUH!

Do they get another car, install a new sensor (properly) and test it again? Nope.

At least they seem to be for the most part laying off the high speed camera footage this time around. Whew. Now with all that extra time they can try to do something intelligent. Or not.

Deane decides to use out riggers that pop out of the bottom of cars to keep it from rolling should it go down a ravine. She builds a beautiful fake scale hillside about 3 feet high. Perfect for testing with a matchbox car. Instead she chooses to use a footlong remote control race car. WTH????

Even though I hate admitting it Chuck had great chemistry with that last guy. But his new partner Nathaniel, they absolutely hate eachother, and it's obvious.

Oh yeah, what's chuck's solution to a car rolling down a ravine? External airbags. Which he tests the strength of by strapping two to the bottom of a sled and being dragged around a parking lot. Um, he does realize a car is much heavier than a plastic sled?

Of course, surviving a plummet into a ravine can be solved by just having a reinforced cabin in your vehicle. Or perhaps telling the city they should install freaking safety rails on sharp turns.
