MovieChat Forums > Smash Lab (2007) Discussion > Way off their mark tonight...

Way off their mark tonight...

Neither part of tonight's episode stuck to reality in any way

If you fall off a moving ship, you need rescued. The original premise was that nobody witnessed the incident and the ship left you behind. All of a sudden we have somebody launching a rescue vehicle and you are supposed to have a GPS tracking chip on you somewhere. What part of reality is that?

Then you have the "unsinkable car." Of course it is also UNDRIVABLE once they finished with it, so what was the point there?

Neither of these ideas had any merit. Hell, we didn't even get any pointless explosions or crashes this week, making this show even more inane than ever.

Please, Discovery, due to decent thing and pull the plug on this show.


Actually, they talked about a GPS in the wrist bracelet type device. That could work if you fall overboard and an alarm in the bridge cabin goes off and ship stops and the little go-find-them boat is deployed.

The second one I think should have had more investigation into the floating foam idea.

If the show gets more like this episode, there could be hope.

