MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


as a result of her falling for him he broke one of his rules thus leading to the amusement park rescue

"we have magnums"
Hunter S. Thompson


1) Shallow, vapid girls like you DO go for Tallahassee, no doubt.

2) It's a movie, why so serious. Not real life.

3) While Michael Cera types are getting annoying, love isn't just about your little version of it. Hypothetically, seeing as he saved her life and dropped zombies like flies, that's pretty "alpha".

That is it. And hey, when humanity has been wiped out by zombies, we'll see who picks YOU.


I agree with your comment, no 1) is spot on.
I still suppose the OP trolls, stating she's an athletic alpha female... come again?!


conangirl?? lol...sounds um..masculine. Well..he was the only game in town to start with as most everyone else still alive were hiding. He was much closer to her age and Tallahassee was around 50. Oh for sure she may have >looked< tomboyish but she really lost it there at the end. So she may have been hard on the edges she was still no Alice.


not masculine at all, just muscular/athletic, and a big fan of "Conan" types.. or to be honest, "alpha" types..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


Not many 'Conan' types around, and even less athletic girls. And even less so are girls who like guys with muscles.

..and I thought 'alpha' usually mean't rich types.


Oh, there are plenty! especially ones that work out in hard-core gyms, i.e., Gold's Gym in certain parts of CA, especially Southern CA. The mecca of bodybuilders. Venice Beach, Pacific beach, Ocean Beach.. If there's a college town -especially near a lot of beaches - you'll find the Conan-types of all ages.

And yes, there also plenty of "athletic females" .. we're usually in the gym, baseball fields, soccer fields, anywhere there isn't a MALL, or a BEAUTY SHOP or a bunch of girly types - that's where we'll be..

as for the alpha male? Here's a precise definition. they aren't always rich, believe me. My ex was definitely a combination of alpha, conan, male model type - but not very bright, and a misogynist.. which is why he's my ex. LOL!

Alpha male/female:

The term "alpha male" is sometimes applied to humans to refer to a man who is powerful through his courage and a competitive, goal-driven, "take charge" attitude. With their bold approach and confidence "alpha males" are often described as charismatic. While "alpha males" are often overachievers and recognized for their leadership qualities, their aggressive tactics and competitiveness can also lead to resentment by others.[1]

The term "alpha female" is sometimes used to refer to females that possess similar traits

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


Ah..west coast, but even out there mr. and mrs. average suffers from dunlaps' or saddlebags' disease. Something like 5% of males, at the most, can bench 200 lbs.
Now 'alpha male'...haven't heard about that much since the 80s. There was another name for it but can't remember it.


"alpha" equals "douchebag". This whole thread reeks of douchery. Shallow, looks-based douchery.


I like how you automatically assume an athletic, muscular girl must also be anti-malls and beauty shops. Quit making generalizations about people based on yourself. I play plenty of sports (soccer being my main one) and enjoy watching sports too. I also enjoy shopping at the mall and getting my hair and nails done.

And I loved both Tallahassee and Columbus in this movie. I think at the end that Wichita saw that Columbus could be brave but he was also sensitive which Tallahassee was without (excluding Buck). If she was looking for real love in the zombie apocalypse, she was more likely to find an enduring relationship with Columbus as opposed to Tallahassee. Tallahassee was also about twice her age. But I wasn't a huge fan of the Columbus/Wichita romance mainly because I wasn't a huge fan of Bitchita. Columbus deserved better than her not the other way around.


People who call themselves alpha are usually just over confident, vain, parasites, quite useless in a real crisis.


alpha? are you a dog or a b**ch? clueless.


It's an old post but what the hey,alpha types nowadays are what you call geeks and nerds...these can provide and also are mostly responsible for everything that you use!
Although i agree,it won't kill anyone to exercise a little,but judging from outer looks is the wrong and non-functional way to go!


Colombus is younger than Tallahassee and may be they have a same age than Tallahassee. This young colombus only need experience about girl. may be in this movie he's a shy-type in girls.


why would any man choose you ?
post a pic.

"we have magnums"
Hunter S. Thompson


ask my boyfriend.. and no, you're not worth posting a pic.. but thanks for the offer..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


^there. See it? Douchebaggery.Some gym loser who replaces muscles with any type of personality, social skills or intelligence.


Tallahassee a survivalist? I dare say he put himself in dangerous situations and took risks because a) he was a bit insane, b) he found it entertaining, and c) he had something of a death wish after losing his son. Which leads me to another point. Why is he such a great choice to father children when he couldn't keep his kid alive in the first place?

--- Mom and Dad went to a show...


well... because he's hawt.. if i had a choice between columbus, or tallahassee protecting me or my children-i'd still choose Tallahassee... if he failed the first time, he probably would/wouldn't the second time..the character is hawt - but human..

Regardless of posturing or debate.. it's part of our basic instinct.. it's why they are called "alpha-types".. males.. they are the ones a woman will instinctively is drawn to, sexually, whether she wants children or not.. whether the character failed at protecting his son the first time is irrelevant - the character has shown he could protect the adults.. and still be sexy...

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


Ok, you don't speak for all women. I for one would choose Columbus because he's sweet. Honestly, Columbus broke his survival rules (which were all pretty good rules) and faced his fear of clowns just to save the girl he loved. Of course this is just a movie, I haven't met a guy like Columbus, finding any guy that cares that much is nearly impossible. However judging from my experiences, families and friends experiences, the nerdy ones (not that I consider Columbus a nerd) are usually the ones that will treat you better, I can't tell you how many times I've seen some rich muscled *beep* treat my friends like *beep* Two of them are now engaged to what you would not consider "alpha males". I would love a guy that enjoys video games, hell, I'd probably be playing them with him.


He faced his fear of clowns at the moment his love interest was trapped on a tower with a rabid zombie crawling up her leg. Not an opportune time.

Pancakes are love.


Well the clown was in his way, was he supposed to just run around it? I think it was much smarter to get rid of it, I do think it probably could have been done quicker though.


Well im perplexed, Im a nerdy guy, pretty much exactly like columbus, but that didnt seem to work out for me that much, so im hitting the gym for 3 years now to look like one of the "alpha" guys... Im so screwed...


And if one of those alpha guys attract females like conangirl, then im royally screwed, because I dont want some beefy muscular girl i want a girl like you, damn


VirtR, a girl like me? Well I think you replied to me, it's sometimes hard to tell on these forums. Anyways, everyone has their own preferences obviously, so don't try to change yourself, and go for women who match your preference. Sticking to who you are and having confidence in yourself should help you out in a lot of ways, one of those being that it could separate the decent women from the ones you really don't want. The decent ones will like you for the way you are, and should ultimately respect you more for it.

Off the current topic a bit, but I'm not saying there's anything wrong with fitness, being in shape is great, however fitness to the point of being a body builder just seems extreme. Most of them have so much muscle it usually is NOT natural and really can't be healthy.


In Zombieland what constitutes an alpha male has changed. Previously it was someone with leadership abilities, strong musculature and aggressiveness. The objective was success in hunting. More food = more chance of survival.

Columbus survival so far in zombieland had proved his 'fitness'. He just relies more on forward thinking, agility and endurance while Talla relies more on brute strength, fire power and aggressiveness.

In the past ideally Emma would have been impregnated by Talla but the baby would have been raised by Columbus. Then you would have both a physically powerful and aggressive man who has been taught self control and forward thinking.

But in Zombieland hunting for food isn't really an issue, but healthy social activity and safety from zombies is. So the more cautious and grounded man would be the 'alpha male' wanted by the ladies.

Keep in mind musculature is largely negated with guns. In a gunfight Columbus would probably win with his shotty as he only has to shoot once and that's it.


I have a problem with conangirl's argument, but only because I didn't see Wichita as the athletic, alpha female type. Maybe athletic, but at the end of the day she still needed some guy to save her. She only seems like the dominant type because she can handle a gun, but anyone who's still alive at that point in a zombie apocalypse should be able to. To me she was more afraid than anything - she didn't trust Columbus and Tallahassee because she worked better alone, because she was scared that if she trusted someone else it would get her and her sister killed. A post-apocalypse alpha female would never bring emotion into it; she would retain an objective perspective, and if that means the less people she's with the better, then that's the way it is. I say this because in a zombie apocalypse I would do exactly that - I wouldn't trust another person to start caring, and I certainly wouldn't start caring because I wanted to kiss some guy. Honestly, that would be the last thing on my mind and the least appealing. Wichita was too emotional to be the Ellen Ripley type.

But having said all that, I didn't find it that hard to believe Wichita would like a guy like Columbus. And you make a good point, subase. When the world's overrun by zombies priorities change, so even if Wichita went for strong, attractive guys before, it doesn't mean she would now.

And alpha males make me want to hurl, precisely because they always think of themselves as alpha males. Zombie apocalypse or not, I'll always pick the nice guy over the alpha male. Except in a real zombie apocalypse I wouldn't pick any guy at all.

Seeking a superhero for the end of the world.


Well conangirl... research shows that women prefer different type of men depending on where in they are in their ovulation cycle. Sometimes they prefer the more "machotype" and sometimes the less "machotype".

In my experience many women look for a man who is tough on the outside (typical traits like shaved head, tall, muscles and so on) but they dont judge the mind of the man. I have seen many of these types of men be cowards when it really matters so basically I've come to the conclusion that females are more superficial than men. ;-)

Anyway, it's a movie...and Woody could be Emmas dad.


For example i don't for hot guys. Personally i find girls who only date hot guys a bit shallow really.I find the inside more interesting than the outside and i actually think that Jesse is quite cute :) and when it comes to Emma it seems quite obvious that she prefers nerds when we stop and analyse her films. She joked about this fact on her monologue, when she hosted SNL XD


Perhaps he didn't always start out as a badass, asskickin tough guy? Maybe losing his son caused him to snap?


I see what you're saying and I think in most cases I'd probably agree with you. I usually prefer the sort of alpha-male vibes as well, but there is something about Columbus. He's just adorable, but that doesn't detract from his general attractiveness or wit. He's quick, smart and funny, he's small but you know he'd go to the ends of the earth for her if it came to it.

But I do see your point. I don't know why I'm drawn to Columbus because he would never be my type any other time and never has been before. There's just something about him.

My blog,for what it's worth


Yeah I never got that either..why she would be after him when you had a tough as nails gun slinger/tough guy. I mean granted this was a zombie movie but in the zombie world a nerdy, wimpy & IBS guy would be the last guy you would need with you. Also why he carried a double barrel shotgun is beyond me. At least get a pump or semi to be able to fire more then 2 shots. That bugged me too.

But still liked the movie.


Probably because he's like 50 years old with a kid, bald head and anger problems.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


You sound buch.



he has potential to be a real badass

also he sincerely cares about her


Oh my god, why wouldn't a woman choose Columbus?! I finished watching the movie an hour ago and I'm still swooning here.

We all like different things, right? And I like geeky, intelligent, obsessive list-makers with hearts of gold. Give me a man with a brain over some brash, buff alphamale type any day!



well considering conangirl refers to herself and the guys she dates as "alphas" she apparently thinks shes better than 99% of the population. she seems like the typical southern cal wannabe actress/model type i ran into when i was out there awhile back. she sounds like shes pretty young and dumb so she gets a pass she cant help herself.
"Im gonna go get da paper,get da paper"


man.. you're way out of line.. i'm 50 and work very hard on myself mentally and physically.. and am a radiology P.A. not an M.A.. You have to be pretty intelligent to hold such a position. We are a rare breed (career-wise) through out the U.S.

and umm southern california? no.. i live up north. a far cry from your emotionally traumatizing experience in CA... i'm very sorry you feel that way toward alpha types. i don't think there's anything wrong with us, nor do i feel i am "better" than anyone.. Where did that come from?

and no.. i don't need a "pass".. had one since birth..also known as independence, and knowing what i like and dislike..

i truly have no idea where you've gotten your assessment.. i guess possibly through just your own issues and experiences? I have learned over time, that any fit woman is a powerful woman.. but every fit woman is not shallow..

jane, this sounds so much like a reply from - they never, truly think before replying.. they just throw their emotional baggage out there for all to see...

peace Jane.. if you have issues? i have tissues..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


50? not married? working on yourself physically and mentally? at that age its a race against the clock with all the sagging going on. good luck with that grandma. btw i enjoyed my time in socal,easy pickings out there.

"Im gonna go get da paper,get da paper"


I find it hard to believe that your 50 because you are really superficial and spell hot "hawt". I've only seen pre-teen girls spell it like that.

Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they burn!


i remember reading through this post some time back, and i was in shock, had to think about this, it all sounded so familiar, what you were saying, then it hit me.
if you know the series, gene rodenberry's andromeda, check it out, especially the nietzchean characters (not sure i spelled it right, don't much care at this point)
so, you're an "alpha female" eh? what does that imply actually? considering yourself better than everyone else, or is it that you put yourself in leadership positions among other women?
secondly, you're 50, i'm sorry to say it, but you sound like you have the mentality of a 13-17 year old, 17 being the best case scenario.
considering yourself an elitist type like that, on a movie site, is just wrong, you're bragging, and i'm sure there are other forums for that
and for someone who prides herself on being so independent, you seem to care an awful lot about what other people think, not only, you're imposing yourself as an "alpha female"
"jane, this sounds so much like a reply from - they never, truly think before replying.. they just throw their emotional baggage out there for all to see... " you're even more quilty of this, except that you put yourself in a positive light, it's called smug. What? the term alpha female term in human society, you're begging for attention and recognition, and frankly, that doesn't make you at all special, quite the oposite, and furthermore, you're doing it in an annoying way
and finally, i have nothing against bodybuilding women,and i recognize your qualifications, that's not the problem. it's your attitude.
"I have learned over time, that any fit woman is a powerful woman.. but every fit woman is not shallow.. "
i'm sorry to disagree with you, being fit has nothing to do with having a brain that you know how to use, or vice-versa. and you, while may be fit, and have all these qualifications, sound like a love-struck teenager that wants to get ahead by term-ing herself as naturally superior. i'd call that...


I've got a hard time believing you are a P.A. of any sort with such terrible writing skills. Look up the articles on punctuation and capitalization on wikipedia, they might give you a headstart. Here's a good one to start you off: periods are one dot each, ellipses are three dots. There is no such thing as two dots.

Let me tell you a story to chill the bones


I'd be genuinely surprised if I learned you were 50. This is only considering how you type and your use of the phrase, "alpha".
That being said, why did you gear your statement to What does that have to do with anything? Not just that, but that's one of the better websites for a lack of trolls and people treating others well.


And wow, you really do think you're better than everyone else, don't you? Don't think I've ever seen anyone as condescending as you.


You keep refering to yourself as an alpha type and also to musculine women and men....
It's so funny I can't help it!!!
There condintions in psychology & psychiatry which I have studied!
and the funnier thing of the matter is that i aknowledge this argument with replying!!!damn internet!!:p
