
Ugh. I know I'm fairly alone on this, but hated this film. Formula to the hilt, ridiculously unbelievable leaps of suspended disbelief, and I didn't buy Jason Segel, not at all.


I don't like Jason normally, but I loved him in this movie...

Douchebags ARE hygienic products; I take that as a compliment. Thank you!



I thought it was mediocre. Just about everything felt implausible. The AVR work was really sloppy. It had some laugh-out-loud moments, though, and was tolerable.


Formula to the hilt ...
It's rom-com come bro-com. By their very nature they are formulaic to a degree, that's how they get the label. I certainly didn't think the storyline was "ridiculously unbelievable", though the Syd character may have been a little too contrived.🐭
