Like it!

Kill me but I do like this film. It has a special feel to it – almost like a documentary, yet very beautifully lit. Natassia Malthe is really cool action hero and she’s sexy…very sexy. There’s a hot bi sex scene and being myself bi, I found it very stimulating :-)
This film is fast and interesting and there’s my all time fav actor in it Michael Pare. He plays the new damphir (half vampire/half human) here and you can see he has a lot of fun with this role. His best scene is when he confronts Rayne near the end of the movies and tries to drink her blood. Very crazy stuff. The film is full of surprises and is rather unusual, very dramatic and gore, yet still fun. It’s not a film for the guys with weak stomachs but I always say scary movie should be scary. The actions scenes with Rayne are pretty cool, you can tell the actress has some kung fu/ wu shu skills.


I enjoyed it too! My fav actor in this Brendan Fletcher. I will watch any movie he's in. He just has such range and a certain power to his acting. He plays confident parts real well. The actress Natassia Malthe: I remember seeing her in the DOA movie and she was doing martial arts so yeah she either knows some stuff or she's easily trainable. Beautiful body!

The only thing I kinda wanted more was for them to be more powerful as damphirs. They just seemed like a little stronger than normal humans. But great fight scenes. Uwe Boll has progressed! And yes, the film had an actual storyline throughout.



The sex scene in the back of the truck...

Did anyone else laugh at the bit where Brendan Fletcher's character is shagging Rayne and then he suddenly grabs her by the throat and pushes her head against the wall, as though to say 'keep those fangs where I can seem them, girl!'?

In the next shot, he's flipped her over. Probably a wise move.


it was bit lacking in adrenaline in the action scenes few fast cuts in the action scenes would of made it feel faster. Also dialogue was bit stiff now and then, seem'd it worked best when people shouted in this one. but mostly i liked it not sure why maybe i just like the franchise and that gives me bit blinders for the flaws.


Did Rayne's dialogue seem a little too 'modern'?

Were terms such as 'shish kebab' and 'motherfvckers!' in common English use in the 1940s?

(yeah, I know that everyone was only speaking English for the purposes of the movie and that they were really talking in Polish and German...)


>>>It’s not a film for the guys with weak stomachs but I always say scary movie should be scary.

thanks for the review, Uwe


just watched it, i liked wasn't bad, great, horrible or awesome but it was meh ok. It didnt statisfy me as a huge Bloodrayne game fan. there was a pic floating around in which Malthe looked almost exactly like a real life Rayne, it was kinda creepy. Rayne has this sultry kinda deepish voice and sometimes Malthe's voice just got on my damn nerves; did have her potty mouth though :). I cant stand Uwe as much, or probably more, than the next person but this was a kinda decent Rayne movie; he still blowsass but everyone has their moments i guess. The sex scenes i could've done without because i was like 'wtf does this have to do with anything...besides the mandatory movie sex scene' just seemed random in a bad way. At least her costume didn't look cheap as hell or last minute sweat shop looking. Still like to see the ACTUAL rayne costume on Malthe, including the spiked shoes and actual arm blades like in the game but meh.



i think ive seen most of Bols films ...the majority of them are utter cack including the first Bloodrayne but there are a few that are not only watchable but almost good.
this one isnt in any of those catogorys though because i think its actually well done, quite good acting theres a real story and a half decent script and the cinematography/costumes looked great

maybe(definetly)the actions scenes could have been better but they didnt totally suck and overall it seemed a great improvement of Bols previous films


I liked it too. Compared to the 1st movie (never saw part 2) it felt like the video game. The lead actress was pretty good and fight scenes were decent. 6/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


I thought it was great, definitely stands out in the field of modern exploitation movies.

"No man is just a number"


I've seen porn movies with better acting and dialogue than this piece of $h|t.

God promises eternal life, we deliver it.
How I rose from the dead in my spare time so can YOU.


Any movie with Clint Howard in it is going to bite, big time.

I really don't like talking about my flair.
