
how was Thiessen's character saved from prosecution for murder? In the end, the entire 'lab' explodes, and it seems to me that literally all of the exculpatory evidence for her goes with the lab in the explosion. I think the ending would've been great if it showed her getting hauled away to prison, lol.


This movie definitely had potential, but there were enormous plot holes throughout the movie. One thing that kept bugging me was how incurious she was (Female lead-role), short commenting and just tagged along for no obvious reasons. Then there was this other thing, like near the ending when he (Main character) got his entire abdomen full of bullets; First of all, it was said that he, except for the nano-bots was more or less as a normal human. How come his spine was not injured? It perhaps wouldn't if it was shielded in a metal encasing of some sort, but that was never revealed if that was the case.

Set aside from these holes, I really liked it since it was reasonable big budgeted and it had a decent plot and not too far "out there" style. Previous to watching this I saw the B-movie "Cyborg Cop" which had no budget to speak of, and horrendous acting as well as plot. On a scale, that movie I'd give a weak 2 out of 10, and this a 6 out of 10, just because it didn't really deliver. The movie should have been a bit... Well, just better I guess.

Too bad this genre is singing it's last tune nowadays since, we're technologically almost there, really.

Anywhoo, better luck next time to the persons making the next-in-line movies

For the love of Stargate: Top of every forum:"View: ... | ... | ... | nest" <-Choose "nest"!!


This was a very good movie and that is why it went directly to DVD. It did not have the star studded cast to be shown at movie theaters like the A-List movies but I would still say it was a very good movie to watch though.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/



I agree with you about the ending. I too would have liked

a sequeal to this film, by giving Greenwood's character

an escape. He could have easily been thrown into a reinforced

room of the exploding lab and to have survived to began his

project again.


"If you make the world your enemy, you'll never run out of reasons to be miserable"


Except for the one fingerprint, all the remaining evidence would actually support that she had gone crazy.

Any attempt on her part to explain what happened would only seem to make that more obvious to the regular authorities.

In fact given that she would be ranting about cyborg soldiers—just after blowing up a research facility—it would not be hard to convince a judge that she had a Sarah Conner complex.

The film should have ended with her locked in a state hospital for the criminally insane.


They way i took it is that the other lab weasel guy probably would tell the authorities of what happeneed, he seemed to be rather appalled at what his boss was doing towards the end. Looking back i think it would have been better to show that Isaac had finally taken enough damage from both the bullets and trap thingy that his nanabots couldnt repair. I think that would have made his action at the end of the movie make more sense.

I bought Alien Quadrilogy for 21.95; Not bad for two movies.


I was wondering the same thing and would have loved her going to prison ending instead (gave this movie only 7/10 instead of 8 because if the stupid ending). Then a sequel with prison escape, as someone suggested, would have been simply awesome :)

Still it was a very nice movie overall. Not perfect and not too original, but certainly entertaining and that's what matters.
