I Tried, 30 Mins, had to quit?

Penis in the flesh wound, that was nothing, once you see the baby throwing in feast, u can handle pretty much anything.

I tried, it was going no where. Accents, not a prob. Maybe I should give it a try when I'm drunk or wasted.

Sober I can't watch this.


loved to hear the honesty about your efforts trying to watch your movie.

hope it works wasted, i might wait till then to give it a try! hahaha..


i don't mind the gay zombie make out scenes etc. but this was a pointless movie heading nowhere.

Twilight in 30 seconds http://tinyurl.com/bbb7xs


I thought it got better about 50 minutes into it. Enjoyable flick if for no other reason than it isn't just a copy of every other movie.


38 min mark and I hear ya. There is nothing in the movie that grosses me out or creeps me out, but there's nothing here to even interest me at this point. I would almost prefer the gore or sex to be more, at least it would give me a reason to keep watching....

Moving on.


I sort of agree. I had to keep it on fast forward after a generous 54 minutes. I kept falling asleep, but I really really tried. It wasn't like.. terrible.. but maybe better luck drunk, haha.

Don't invite John A Russo to your 30th birthday party, he'll try to rerelease you with new footage


I had to stop it after the penis-in-wound thing. Not because I was grossed out, but cuz my wife's little sister was watching it with me and she's only like 14. I had no idea! I was so clueless about this movie, I didn't realize it was so sexual. I figured, "the kid looks like My Chemical Romance, maybe she won't hate it."

Hopefully that scene isn't seered into her poor developing brain. And hopefully her mom let's her come over still, haha.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


I keep trying to watch Otto. But it is just so, so...
It's not the nudity, or the cheesey gore. It just has this kind of gene say qua of awfulness to it.
The 5 minute long establishing shots. The socio/political vignettes. The horrific acting of the extras.
Interspersed with nudity that is jarring only in it's awkwardness.
Maybe I'll try to finish it tonight. Or maybe I'll just read a book instead.

"It's muffin time...
Muffa-muffa-muffin time!"


When I got to the penis being inserted into the flesh wound, I pretty much almost threw up. This film is very graphic and not for the faint of heart.


Yeah, it works if you help it along with a bit of forwarding. If you like cute guys, otto's definitely the hottest goth Zombie boy around. the story is silly, but the photography is well done, and it plods along to a slightly happy ending somehow, without ever really making sense. The soundtrack is pretty cool. I'd say it's the most commercial film so far from this director. Don't know what to think of the Canadian Council for arts after seeing that they funded this. Cronenberg he ain't!


Tried watching this with my fiance, we were misled into thinking this movie was a comedy. We quit at that same time. WHAT that had to do with the plot line, I don't know, I couldn't even tell you if there was a plot line. It wasn't that I couldn't "handle" it, it just almost seemed like it was thrown in for pure shock value... you can easily imply things without having to be so graphic.


I hit the 14 minute mark. After the gay zombie sex scene--penis in the wound scene. I attempted to continue watching... I actually hit my boredom mark very shortly after when the zombie were walking in the field then started making out. It wasn't shocking at all, I could handle it but it simply bored me. It was long boring and pointless. I stopped about 20 minutes in, tried fast fowarding to see anything interesting then quit.


timechangelater says ', once you see the baby throwing in feast,'

IMDb search -feast -Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 7 Results)

When referencing a movie please be more descriptive of its identity; date, director, or maybe include an URL.
I wanna see me some baby throwin'.

I watched the whole thing. Started tipsy, drank when bored, progressed to smashed.

I respect the right to free speech, particularly when it exposes ignorance!
