MovieChat Forums > Otto; or, Up with Dead People (2008) Discussion > This was a great film, one of LaBruce's ...

This was a great film, one of LaBruce's best

I just saw this one at Outfest tonight in downtown L.A., and I have to say it was one of Bruce LaBruce's most accessible movies, even though it's about gay zombies f-ing and looking for love. It was so much better than I expected after reading about it on these boards, (which I wish I never had). Such a sweet, sad story, and so FUNNY, which I really didn't expect. It just perfectly skewers so many modern pretensions and issues, especially gay ones. The character of Medea Yarn is drawn as an overwrought political bitch, but everything she says is basically true, and I loved her speeches, because I think the same thoughts all the time! The criticisms of mindless consumerism and hatred of anything different were spot on, we are ALL guilty of these crimes, and so it becomes uncomfortable for us to watch. There are so many layers of societal criticism, but it's delivered with such great bitter laughs it never feels like medicine. I especially love the scene where we see there's no difference between the zombie boy on the train and the "normal" subway riders going to work and about their daily business. Bruce is really getting to be a softie in his old age; as he himself said in the introduction to the screening "Get your hankies ready." Every time Otto has a random flashback to his old life (when he was alive) with his cute boyfriend, it was heartbreaking, especially underscored by the jaunty pop music and sunny, idyllic views of his first love.
Bruce LaBruce gave voice to so may irksome aspects of modern life that I carp about daily. Jey Crisfar was an emo revelation as the title character, a tragic hero in a story with hardly an iota of sympathy for anyone. Otto was super-cute in those white contacts and eye makeup, and his fey German accent really helped to give him an extra edge of creepiness. A dirty hoodie, dark undereye circles and a little blood crusted on the face have never looked better! Come to think of it, there really wasn't an unattractive actor in the entire cast.
As for the "porno" charges that some are leveling, come on people! Go rent a porno, this is not even close! It was very sexual at times, but nothing like a porn movie! Yes the orgy was extreme, but it struck me as kind of a gay zombie parody of "Shortbus", and if any of you have seen that one, you'll get the joke. In the midst of yet another Summer of mindless junk pap films, "Otto" was such a breath of fresh air, but then again I am quite partial to zombie movies. In fact, if there's ever a sequel, I hope he casts Cillian Murphy as Otto's zombie love interest. See this one when it comes to DVD, or if you're lucky enough to have a screening near you. One last question: Does anyone think Otto was simply a troubled youth who really got into the whole idea of being dead, as Medea repeatedly suggests? It's just another fun point to ponder in the plot of a seemingly exploitative, cheap gay Summer movie that turned out to be so much more, a fun, sexy thought-provoking treat, with a great indie-rock soundtrack. Long "live" Otto!



To answer your last question, yes.

The film is really superbly structured. The start is a burring of reality and the film that is being made. We're tricked into thinking that we're watching a world where zombies exist, it's frequently challenged by Medea throughout, and then at the end it's revealed that Otto is a delusional youth who thinks he's a zombie. It's really sad when you think about it. His boyfriend broke up with him and now he suffers from schizophrenia. The zombie anaolgy is quite the critique of the male gay condition: isolation, break-down of the family unit, violence. It's also a pretty poignant critique of gay culture: emotionalessness, anonymous sexual encounters, promiscuity, and to a lesser extent vanity.

And just when you think he's made the realisation that he's not a zombie, he scuffles up north. Sad stuff, but engrossing and funny at the same time.


SPOILERS, of course.

Oh my god THIS. This previous message, all of this. I cannot understand how few people got this movie and the zombie allegory.

Zombie is actually two things in this movie: emotional detachment, from the main character and from the gay people, and the gay world now that it is in the "system", that there is no need to reivindicate any right, or that is what they (we) think. But the clear alegory of sexual intercourse and zombie feeding was so clear, so crystal clear...


In response to your comment on the orgy being a parody of "Short Bus," I totally thought the exact same thing!! I'm glad someone else picked up on that.




"One of LaBruce's best?" Well, that's not saying much, as I donĀ“t think hae has ever made a good film throughout his career.


LaBruce's best huh? Thank you, now that the warning is out there, I know what to avoid.
