Plot Hole - please help

The pot head brother was portrayed as being quite intelligent. How is the audience to believe that he would think the alibi plan was even plausible? Am I being too critical?


Because nobody else knew his brother was in town... and when life becomes boringly steady u just grow accostumed to it and stop caring anymore. That's what everybody did... a stupid bad swastika but it's a hate crime and everybody kept on living just fine. Wonders of simple epicurist life :)

youngsters dont make mistakes, they try new things n besides, brains r overrated!


Alot of people knew he was in Little Dixie...Hmmm the random orthodontist on the plane knew that. So did Bill's secretary. So did the people that were going to hire Bill at Harvard...yes, its a plot hole. But i just kinda overlooked it since i enjoyed the movie.


when I said nobody else I meant nobody that mattered or intended to tell on him (this case would never go national). I actually dont think of it as a plot hole. It'd be too stupid from the writers part... I've been on planes and I notice some people and I forget about them 30mins later. only that retarded man noticed him enough to remember.

I had really low expectations for this film but Edward Norton always delivers :)

youngsters dont make mistakes, they try new things n besides, brains r overrated!


I just think the ending was poor, too arbitrary, the orthodontist..the weed equipment unresolved...its just like it doesn't resolve into much.


It's deffinatly got the sort of Coen brothers essence about it, of which they seem to be fans of leaving not so much an open ending, but more of a shreded rag of plot threds, my understanding is there is some sort o f familiarity with the two (er three) parties and you deffinately see it in this. In that light, while somewhat I agree the lack of closure is a bit agrivating, its also something that forces a more analytical look of the film rather than taking it directly, as you look for things inorder to make sense of it and thus gain a more complete understanding of the film, nuances that would be disregarded get re-evaluated... as such, a good film will have the answers or at lease something close to it, but even as such the factor of thought provoking that it forces, adds a more haunting nature regardless.

To be honest, Im godd*mned f----ing tierd of films that have to spell every single f----ing thing out. It seems to be the general forte as a function of economics brought out by the moronical spaz masses that seem to make a film wasted upon them, and not only that , but rather the kick up of being angry at the film for not blatently spelling out each and every factor of plot and characters as if they resent the film for having the audacity to make them have to work.

Even flawed as this is, I cannot discourege this sort of film on the general principle that it follows a format that is obviously written for those who are looking for something engaging and adult.

There are many forms of communication available through cinema and being forced to cleaver your works for the moron generations is the tragedy of the modern american film industry, and as directors writers and film makers have to do so over and over and over, anyone who gets to the point where they have done so enough so that they have what ever limited options of not doing it, well that should be encoureged.


The point was so that the police and other people the pothead brother had trouble with thought Bill was the pothead brother. He was only smart about some things, he's portrayed as doing a lot of stupid *beep* but capable of being smart. This isn't a plot hole.


Yes, that is indeed a pot hole ^^



the arrow shooting was resolved by bill not dying... what are you asking exactly?

and brady took the blame for all the murders when he died. brady took the gun from bill after he shot that orthodontist because he knew he was dying, and when the rabbi asked bill if he had told the police that brady killed pug, he said "not yet", indicating that he intended to do so.



> How is the audience to believe that he would think the alibi plan was even plausible?

It's rural Oklahoma where the cops aren't really that smart and actually get annoyed when they have to do work. If a cop, of all people, says that he saw Brady, well that's good enough. And also remember that every other cop is on Brady's payroll.

And finally, you can't call something a plot hole just because a character makes a poorly thought-out decision.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


No you are not being too critical. That was really, really dumb. Not to mention that other people saw him in the synagogue.

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If you ever met anyone with an excessively high IQ, then you would know that while being highly intelligent, most lack common sense. Therefore, it is plausible for the stoner brother, Brady to believe his scheme would work and yet still be an intellectual.


If you ever met anyone with an excessively high IQ, then you would know that while being highly intelligent, most lack common sense

 Ha ha. That's the kind remark I've been dealing with all my life. "Yup... you got you some book smarts there girlie girl, but you ain't got no common sense". Which could have been annoying, but I realized early on that that's just something stupid people tell themselves to feel better about being stupid. 😁

(Just kidding 😉 )

Brady's plan might have worked, but no one could have anticipated that Billy would meet that man on the plane. The writers created that unfortunate coincidence to further their storyline.


And remember, when parting ways with the dentist at the airport toward the beginning of the movie, the dentist says, "I never take accidental encounters for granted." There's the foreshadowing there.

I haven't watched the movie in a few years (just about to rewatch it today), but I think that Brady's plan could've worked, had Bill not have had that serendipitous meeting with the chatty dentist on the airplane. None of them could've anticipated that, or what happened as a result.

But I think that that's part of the movie's meaning, too.

Also, Bill's teaching career went completely off the rails and into the dumpster, not because of anything that he actually did, but because of the female student making crazy claims that, while completely unfounded, did not look good for Bill. So in a sense, for both of the brothers, it's a reminder that no matter how well you plan something, there's always a chance that something else comes out of left field and totally destroys your initial plans.
