MovieChat Forums > Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008) Discussion > People should look at steroids just as t...

People should look at steroids just as they would any other supplement.

I'm a naturally small guy and am very interested in bodybuilding. For whatever reason, people don't look at steroids the same way that they look at taking protein powder, creatine or other supplements like ZMA. Because steroids are illegal and have the stigma that's been placed upon them, someone who uses them to get "bigger, stronger, faster" is "cheating" and is not "doing it on their own." But these same people wouldn't have a problem with someone who drinks a protein shake to meet their dialy protein requirements.

It's the same mentality that looks at smoking pot differently from drinking alcohol. Alcohol is okay, but pot is absolutely not because it's a "harmful illegal drug!" Will such people ALWAYS allow their government to do their thinking for them?

I don't use steroids and I never have, but it's not because of the legality issues. It's mostly because you will lose the gains you make when you get off of them and I wouldn't want to stay on them forever. If you could keep the weight/muscle that you gain after you stop cycling then I would definitely do it for a few months.


I guess the question I have for you is why don't you want to stay on them forever? Will you take supplements forever? Where is the "line" for you and when is it crossed?


I wouldn't want to stay on them forever for the same reason that I wouldn't want to abuse any drug. I'm not arguing that steroids aren't drugs . . . I am saying that if used in a certain way, they can be safe and effective. From what research I have done (it goes beyond just watching BSF), I have become convinced that vast majority of problems come from misuse and abuse by people who don't know what they're doing.

The other reason I wouldn't want to stay on them forever is because I don't want to have to rely on something external to keep my gains. You asked, Will I use supplements forever? At this point, I can only say that once I meet my goals I would like to drop off creatine and would probably just use protein powder to meet my daily protein requirements.


Well, you've said you won't let your government do the thinking for you but have you truly researched steroids yourself? You cycle steroids just like any testosterone boosting supplement. And provided your diet and training are good you will tend to keep most of your gains. The majority of weight lost is due to water retention which will be minimal provided you know what you are doing.

You shouldn't be taking creatine for much more than a month at a time. You're not using it year round, are you? Creatine, like steroids, is a cyclable product and should be administered like one. The abuse of either creatine or steroids can both lead to hospital bills.

My friend is currently cycling D-Bol, and it is working very well for him. He hasn't got any side effects whatsoever aside from a minor bump in blood pressure which will calm down after the cycle. He did however use a natural, testosterone and IGF-1 boosting supplement the year before. You may have heard of it: M1T. M1T landed him in hospital within a week and cost him an arm and a leg. And when I say leg, I literally mean he was lucky.

My point is, don't let the defamation of steroids in the media pull the wool over your eyes. They are drugs, and just like drugs you should adhere to proper dosages and not abuse them.

You don't spin a menorah.



your a fu*king idiot thats like saying a candy bar is no different from phencyclidine just because your fat and play WoW all day and are to lazy to get out and work out dont try and justify steroid use


Are you are f* moron "shadow priest x"? Were u born that stupid or did it arise from all the glue sniffing, doing lines and the likes?

Mentioning steroids in the same sentence with meeting one's daily protein requirements..... Looking up the term requirement would be a good start...

You don't see things as they are, you see things as we are.


Oh look its Slicky the 12 year old E-Thug!


Slicky's absolutely right. There's no way you can compare roids with protein powder.

Drawn Together taught me all I need to know about life


The film doesn't really mention the topic of dependency directly, though it is hinted at. Hopefully a few people will see this and do a little of their own research. Using steroids can shut your own testoserone production down. You can mitigate the risks with proper usage, but I don't think its worth it for recreational use in any case. I am pretty sure now that the film is adamantly pro-steroid use.


Yeah.....protein and steroids are VASTLY different there, pal.


people don't look at steroids like they do other supplements because they are vastly different than other supplements. a protein shake gives your body exactley what you'd get eating a protein rich meal. if this is the case do you think chicken breasts should be looked upon the same as steroids? Unless your drinking an excessive amount, protein shakes can't hurt you. Creatine when used in moderation isn't going to kill you. Steroids *beep* with your body's natural hormone balance. The side effects they can have and their long term effect on your health are the reasons why they are placed in a different category than other supplements.
