MovieChat Forums > Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008) Discussion > For those of you who do not bodybuild

For those of you who do not bodybuild

Don't try to sound like you know what you're talking about when it comes to steroids, because you don't. Most of you guys on this board are so uneducated when it comes to steroids and bodybuilding supplements. Don't you dare critique what you don't know. Yes, roids do have negative effects on health, but nowhere NEAR what the media has brainwashed you to believe. These are the same people who believe protein powder, creatine, nitric oxide and testosterone boosters are roids.

Don't believe the hype, and more importantly, don't talk about what you very clearly know NOTHING about.


Amen to that. If you dont have anything solid to back up what you are saying, then dont say it at all.


How I wish for that to happen. But sadly we can't stop anyone from expressing their opinions, well unless of course we kill em!



How about if we're real athletes and not queer freaks who stand in front of mirrors all day?


I'm not a body builder and I don't give a rip what you guys do.
It is ridiculous for steroids to be illegal to use without a script and to be to tightly regulated.
Now I DO have a problem for professional athletes using them and then try to evade testing.

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For anyone to believe that steroids, aka HORMONES, could or should ever be available "without a script".

If you can get your butt down to the gym every day, why is it so hard for you to get it to a DOCTOR'S OFFICE? You can pay for the gym membership but not (and some people would consider this the far more important expenditure) an office visit with a physician?

And seriously, WHERE in your mind's eye do you see HORMONES being carried "without a script"?

On drugstore shelves?
On websites?

Please do share your vision of the brave new world in which hormones are available "without a script" by describing WHERE, exactly, that would be? I'm so tired of hearing the woulda coulda shoulda. WHERE would those hormones be sitting? Next to the vitamin C? The Advil? The Band-Aids? Behind the counter with the cigarettes so you have to show ID to be 18 and over, or would they be available back on the regular store shelves to kids of any age? Would they be in vending machines, maybe?

And while we're moving men's hormones to the shelves, would we follow by also moving women's hormones there also? But should we stop there, or make ALL prescription medications available "without a script" as well? Do you ever stop to think that there are a lot of other prescription medications that have little if any known negative side effects? Should those also be available without prescription then, so people can diagnose and treat themselves for all those things as well? Have you ever studied the history of modern medicine and the transition from the snake oil/"tonic" period where unregulated things were sold directly to the public with any claims and ingredients the manufacturer chose to place on them to the modern system where the FDA and physicians/pharmacists control what people get? Did you know that that transition happened because too many people were being hurt before and that since the transition far fewer people have been hurt (no, it's not a perfect system, just a much better one)?

Do you have these passionate deregulation fantasies only for steroids and steroids alone, or would you be more interested in going back to that no regulation world of snake oils and tonics? Just the baby, or the bathwater, too?

What's amazing is all the big, bad bodybuilders who seem to have fantasy lives that have more fairy dust than little girls dreaming of being princesses. Prove you have something in mind that has more substance than fantasy (the filmmaker certainly didn't) by carrying your fantasy to a REALISTIC end - just exactly how and where do you see men's hormones being made available to the public? Details, please.
